Make sure you let your peeps
know where to find you!
PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary Fierces on the Weather Critter Comment are |
Make sure you let your peeps
know where to find you!
PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary Fierces on the Weather Critter Comment are |
When I was asked to do a blog post for a Feeding America Blogathon a few years ago, I set my Googles to the task: first, to find out what Feeding America was, and second, to find out a little bit more about food security in America and the food stamp program, SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program).
Feeding America has some pretty simple origins:
In the late 1960s, John van Hengel, a retired businessman in Phoenix, Arizona began volunteering at a local soup kitchen, and began soliciting food donations for the kitchen. He ended up with far more food than the kitchen could use in its operations. Around this time, he spoke with one of the clients, who told him that she regularly fed her family with discarded items from the grocery store’s garbage bins. She told him that the food quality was fine, but that there should be a place where unwanted food could be stored and later accessed by people who needed it, similar to how banks store money.
Van Hengel began to actively solicit this unwanted food from grocery stores, local gardens, and nearby produce farms. His effort led to the creation of St. Mary’s Food Bank in Phoenix, the nation’s first food bank.
(I want to pause here for a minute to think about a time when a food kitchen had too much food).
Hope everyone the other side of the pond is slowly recovering from Turkey Torpor. Meanwhile, in Ireland, 100,000 took to the cold Dublin streets to protest against the ECB/IMF cuts being imposed to bailout the Irish Banks.
Don’t know about the US, but the dangers of another round of defaults and property price collapse is imminent in the Emerald Isle; check out Morgan Kelly’s worrying analysis
Money quote below the fold…
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, and a hearty blessing to you and your family this day. We have many things to give thanks for today- go share them with your family and friends.
In the meantime, I wanted to share a short prayer with you:
Almighty God, we thank you for our good fortune with full and grateful hearts. We thank you for our family and friends; we thank you for this community we’ve built and share. We ask your blessing this day, and to watch over us, especially in these troubling times; to keep us, our friends, our family, our country on the path to righteousness; for those suffering with medical bills and health care concerns; for those unemployed and suffering hard times; for our men and women overseas who can’t share this day with their families; for President Obama and our political leaders, to help keep their judgment clear and sound, to lead us through the specter of darkness facing our great nation. In your name we pray; Amen.
Thanks for our community, guys. Even from those of us not around as much as we used to be, trust me- it means a lot. God Bless, and have a great day.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, and a hearty blessing to you and your family this day. We have many things to give thanks for today- go share them with your family and friends.
In the meantime, I wanted to share a short prayer with you:
Almighty God, we thank you for our good fortune with full and grateful hearts. We thank you for our family and friends; we thank you for this community we’ve built and share. We ask your blessing this day, and to watch over us, especially in these troubling times; to keep us, our friends, our family, our country on the path to righteousness; for those suffering with medical bills and health care concerns; for our men and women overseas who can’t share this day with their families; for President Obama, to help keep his judgment clear and sound, to lead us through the specter of darkness facing our great nation. In your name we pray; Amen.
Thanks for our community, guys. God Bless, and have a great day.