Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Kathleen Sebelius

Hypocrisy Alert! The Party of Defund Obamacare concerned about ‘’ web site glitches.

The party that shut down the government in an attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act wants to fire the person in charge of implementing the program … because the web site does not work well:

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) said Tuesday that the secretary must be “held accountable” for Obamacare’s rocky online rollout.

Republicans have been fiercely critical of the Obamacare web portal’s glitch-ridden Oct. 1 launch. Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS) called for the HHS secretary’s resignation a few weeks ago, asserting “Americans are tired of the Sebelius spin.”

Hate Affordable Care Act and vote 44 times to repeal it. Check.

Hate Affordable Care Act and shut down the government to delay/defund it. Check.

Call for the resignation of the person in charge of implementing the health care law you despise … wait … NOW I get it.

Nice try, GOP. Guess what? You can also sign up via telephone

By phone

We can help you complete the entire application process from beginning to end with information you provide over the phone, including reviewing your options and helping you enroll in a plan. We can also answer questions as you fill out an online or paper application. We’re available 24/7.


TTY: 1-855-889-4325

Impeach the president for knowing that the web site was having problems and not jumping in to help with the code? Sounds like a plan …

“Benghaziiii!!! IRSSSSSSSS!!!!!  Bad website coooooooode!!!!”

Students Stand Against Hate

I’m still trying to figure out how I missed this last week.

For those of us who had allowed the unfortunate continued existence of hatemonger Fred Phelps, Pastor of Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas, to momentarily sink below our radar, his “organization” made itself all too visible on February 5, 2009 when anti-gay protesters descended upon Shawnee Mission East High School in Prairie Village, Kansas. The school was targeted because it has formed what it refers to as a “Gay and Straight Alliance,” and because the students elected an openly gay homecoming king in 2007. But this time, when Phelps’ dozen or so protesters appeared to shout and harass the public, they were not met by the Patriot Guard. They were confronted instead by hundreds of students, parents, and school staff who gathered outside the school to counter-protest.

Photo Credit: Tammy Ljungblad/The Kansas City Star