Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics



President Obama Inaugurated for Second Term!

Recall the GOP Agenda after the 2008 election…

How’d that work out for you, Turtle Man???

The Daily F Bomb – Thursday, 1/10

Good morning, Bombers. Yesterday my news feed was all about the Baseball Hall of Fame (abbreviated HOF on Twitter, which to me means “Hair on Fire,” but that’s another controversy) and OMG, Obama doesn’t believe in diversity! (The two female Supreme Court Justices don’t count.)

Today’s REALLY IMPORTANT controversies are: Was the 1970s “disco sucks” movement racist? Coffee: dark roast or medium roast? African, Central/South American, Indonesian, Jamaican? Tapioca: Yummy or intrinsically creepy? Cats: Long hair or short hair? Wine: White or red? Homeowners’ Associations: Evil or just Nasty?

From The 10 best rape prevention tips you will ever see:…

Today’s Twitter Roundup:

Now, on to the history lesson!

The Daily F Bomb – Wednesday 1/9

Happy hump day, F Troopers!  The weather report warns of lightning storms and flash flooding on the GOS (flooding undoubtedly caused by tears of impotent rage). It is recommended that you stay inside where it is safe and warm, and we argue about more important things, like…

Do you pronounce the ‘t’ in often? (Do you pronounce the ‘t’ in soften?) Utilize instead of use: a bad or good thing? Yes, you can utilize that room as an office, but when you have been treated badly by your date, do you feel utilized? Would you buy a utilized car? Where do we draw the line? Who is worse, Nickelback or Creed? If you like one or the other, are you willing to admit it? Does the imminent return of high waisted pants delight or terrify you? What is your favorite decade (or era) for movies?

Your Twitter Cavalcade:



Now, time for our history lesson!

Lounge – Navy Insults (and other bits of Humor)


As promised, here are a few of the better insults that I remember from the Navy:

“I’d say that you were dumber than a bag of hammers, but that would be an insult to a useful tool.”

“You’re holdin’ up the whole Navy, Midshipman David!”  (That one is burned into my memory).

“You’re the kind of person that would go looking for the batteries for the “sound-powered” phones, aren’t ya’?” (Can be alternated with a variation: “You’re the kind of person that would go looking for relative bearing grease, aren’t ya’?”)

One of the harshest that I remember is one that I picked up in 1985: