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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics


Kenneth Copeland on PTSD, and my response

Kenneth Copeland, the controversial televangelist, made waves on Veteran’s Day by dismissing the reality of PTSD and demanding that those diagnosed simply “get rid of it” by clinging to a verse he plucked out of the book of Numbers.

To be fair, a Southern Baptist spokesman condemned the episode, proving that not all evangelicals are as bat-shit crazy as Copeland.

I went to the original broadcast, hoping to post a response right there at the source, but the only option was to sign up for his podcast. So I hit the “Contact” link and was presented with a choice to send in either a prayer request or a testimony. I arbitrarily chose “testimony,” but the resulting form will only accept 1500 characters.

As a last resort, then, I decided to post my response here, so I can provide him with just a link, if he’ll ever read it. And of course, I look forward to any comments from Meese!