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Weekly Address: President Obama – Affordable Care Act (ACA) Open Enrollment Starts Today

The President’s Weekly Address post is also an Open News Thread. Feel free to share other news stories in the comments.


From the White HouseWeekly Address

In this week’s address, the President reminded Americans that Affordable Care Act open enrollment begins this weekend. In the past year, more than 10 million people have gained health insurance, including more than 7 million who enrolled in Health Insurance Marketplace coverage. They are proof that the Affordable Care Act is working, making health care more affordable, accessible, and of higher quality for millions of people.

The President encouraged all Americans to take advantage of open enrollment, and remind their friends and families to do so as well.

President Obama speaks to that “cancelling your insurance” thing …

Surprise!! The media has found some people who paid less for inferior health insurance policies than they will pay for policies that actually cover their accidents and illnesses!!!

The media calls this a “shocking development” and evidence that the Affordable Care Act is a ginormous failure.

This guy (along with most thinking humans) has a different take on it.

Before the Affordable Care Act, the worst of these plans routinely dropped thousands of Americans every single year.  And on average, premiums for folks who stayed in their plans for more than a year shot up about 15 percent a year.  This wasn’t just bad for those folks who had these policies, it was bad for all of us — because, again, when tragedy strikes and folks can’t pay their medical bills, everybody else picks up the tab.

So anyone peddling the notion that insurers are cancelling people’s plan without mentioning that almost all the insurers are encouraging people to join better plans with the same carrier, and stronger benefits and stronger protections, while others will be able to get better plans with new carriers through the marketplace, and that many will get new help to pay for these better plans and make them actually cheaper — if you leave that stuff out, you’re being grossly misleading, to say the least.  (Applause.)  

Hypocrisy Alert! The Party of Defund Obamacare concerned about ‘’ web site glitches.

The party that shut down the government in an attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act wants to fire the person in charge of implementing the program … because the web site does not work well:

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) said Tuesday that the secretary must be “held accountable” for Obamacare’s rocky online rollout.

Republicans have been fiercely critical of the Obamacare web portal’s glitch-ridden Oct. 1 launch. Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS) called for the HHS secretary’s resignation a few weeks ago, asserting “Americans are tired of the Sebelius spin.”

Hate Affordable Care Act and vote 44 times to repeal it. Check.

Hate Affordable Care Act and shut down the government to delay/defund it. Check.

Call for the resignation of the person in charge of implementing the health care law you despise … wait … NOW I get it.

Nice try, GOP. Guess what? You can also sign up via telephone

By phone

We can help you complete the entire application process from beginning to end with information you provide over the phone, including reviewing your options and helping you enroll in a plan. We can also answer questions as you fill out an online or paper application. We’re available 24/7.


TTY: 1-855-889-4325

Impeach the president for knowing that the web site was having problems and not jumping in to help with the code? Sounds like a plan …

“Benghaziiii!!! IRSSSSSSSS!!!!!  Bad website coooooooode!!!!”