Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Public Office

Let us win in 2014 indeed. But don’t stop there.

Let us see you to win in 2014. Stop looking over your shoulder. I mean you.

I trust most you you reading this remember Wisconsin’s Sen Bob Wirch. He was one of the “Fab 14” who relocated to IL as a de facto filibuster against the WI GOP’s efforts to blitz through their union-busting law. One night a couple weeks ago this same man stood up at our county-level Democratic Party meeting and urged the members there to run for office and/or to recruit people to run.

I am here to do the same thing. It is time to strip off the keyboard commando camouflage and to don the business attire. Run for office. City council, county board, school board, township supervisor, sanitary district commissioner, what have you.