Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics


The Daily F Bomb, Sunday 3/3/13

Happy last day of your weekend, Bombrewskis!  I hope you all have a delightfully slothful Sunday.

You have the right to remain silent, but I wish you wouldn’t…


I’m going to borrow a question that was regularly featured in Bon Appetit’s little back page chef interview: What historical person or persons would you like to have dinner and drinks with? Expanding on that, what fictional characters (assuming it was at all possible) would you like to have dinner and drinks with? What fictional place you you like to visit? When you travel, do you prefer to find accommodations like the natives or do you prefer to stay in places that are more like what you find at home? Do you usually cook at home or go out to eat?

The Twitter Emitter