Good morning bombalomba ding dongs! It’s hump day, and silks has a new hip. Last I read he was doing quite well. If anyone speaks or texts with him, please provide updates!
Are you fond of gadgets, and if so, what is your favorite gadget? How cold is cold to you, indoors and outdoors? How hot does it have to be before you think it’s hot? Speaking of hot, how spicy do you like your food? Do you like to gamble, and if so, favorite game? What is your favorite animal at the zoo?
The Twitter Emitter
In order to show solidarity with the world’s food corporations, CPAC guests will dine on grilled Rafalca.
— William K. Wolfrum (@Wolfrum) February 26, 2013
Hmmm, “GOP” is trending on Twitter. I’m guessing it died.
— William K. Wolfrum (@Wolfrum) February 26, 2013
They say we’re just trying to scare people, when we’re quoting actual crazy stuff that they said.
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) February 26, 2013
Chris Christie agreed to accept the Obamacare Medicaid expansion. Is there nothing that man won’t do for a phone call from Springsteen?
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) February 26, 2013
Why won’t Obama lead by abandoning the balanced deficit reduction approach he clearly framed and emphasized in an election he just won?
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) February 26, 2013
This #Sequester shit is so submental – its like not having the willpower to diet, so rigging the refrigerator to blow up when you open it
— Bill Maher (@billmaher) February 27, 2013
Republicans believe govrrnment is the enemy. When they are in charge it is
— Peter Flom (@peterflom) February 27, 2013
Is “Crazy Ted” Cruz “the new McCarthy”? Um, would that be Joe McCarthy, or Charlie?
— Howie Klein (@downwithtyranny) February 27, 2013
With only 72 hours until the Sequester kicks in, the House GOP took bold action and passed a bill restricting abortion.
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) February 27, 2013
Hagel to be sworn in at 8:15AM followed by surrender to Iran at 9, imposition of Sharia law at 11, then lunch and naps #FriendsofHamasagenda
— TBogg (@tbogg) February 27, 2013
dear cons, please get the fake history right – nixon and mccarthy were either good or bad, but they cant be both depending on situation
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) February 27, 2013
Looking forward to Hagel having CSAF Gen Mark A. Welsh call up Lindsey Graham’s reserve unit and deploy them to Benghazi this week. #payback
— TBogg (@tbogg) February 27, 2013