What are your favorite condiments? What are your least favorite? Have you hung on to any pieces of clothing from your younger days that you just cannot bring yourself to let go of, and if so, what? Are you more comfortable in cities, suburbs, or the country? Do you prefer solitude or being with people?
The Twitter Emitter
Since the Twitter feed last night was dominated by Oscar stuff, most of these are about the show, but I tried to pick ones you’d get if you didn’t watch. I think you can tell from most of these that once again, people were not impressed with the host (Seth MacFarlane). I will go on record saying that Oscar needs to steal Amy Poehler and Tina Fey from the Golden Globes.
Congrats to Argo for winning the Daytona 500.
— Miles Kahn (@mileskahn) February 24, 2013
Jindal: “GOP can win w/out pandering to women or gays. We just have to convince people that greed and war are better than choice and love.”
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) February 24, 2013
Watching the Oscars is an exciting night for so many children of celebrities because they actually get to see their parents.
— Gary Janetti (@GaryJanetti) February 24, 2013
Can’t wait for “In Memoriam: The GOP.” Hope they use a screenshot of Bush from Fahrenheit 9/11. #Oscars
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) February 25, 2013
Any requests for winners?
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) February 25, 2013
People in some countries don’t even watch the Oscars on account of how they hate freedom and are looking for food and safety.
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) February 25, 2013
The Academy Awards are when the most popular people on Earth have a popularity contest.#oscars2013
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) February 25, 2013
This Oscar show needs a sequester.
— Steve Weinstein (@steveweinstein) February 25, 2013
Man, when you have to look forward to the dead folks montage….
— Greg Mitchell (@GregMitch) February 25, 2013
Ridiculous that Mitt Romney’s 47 percent video didn’t make best short film.
— Ben White (@morningmoneyben) February 25, 2013
I think they’re about to call in Mitt Romney to save the 2013 Oscars.
— Bill Harnsberger (@BillinPortland) February 25, 2013
I hear the new Wolverine movie is going to be a musical.
— hodgman (@hodgman) February 25, 2013
— Alex Pareene (@pareene) February 25, 2013
Les Miserables features the finest American & Australian actors playing French people with British Accents.#Oscars2013
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) February 25, 2013
Anne Hathaway created the sequester.
— Nu Wexler (@wexler) February 25, 2013
I am annoyed at everyone who is annoyed at all the people who are annoyed at someone at the Oscars who might or might not be annoying.
— Frank Vdl (@fvdlfvdl) February 25, 2013