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Netroots Nation

The Reverend William Barber at Netroots Nation: Getting Above the Snake Line (w/Transcript)

From Detroit Michigan:

“He wound into a conclusion by talking about how his son, an environmental geologist, told him about how, if he ever got lost, Barber should climb to the highest ground he could find because, above a certain altitude, snakes cannot survive.

‘They call this The Snake Line,’ Barber said. ‘We have got to get America back above The Snake Line.’

~ Charlie Pierce

“…  if you want to be inspired to build a fusion movement that takes our political discussion above the snake line to the moral high ground, I suggest you find the time [to watch this video]. Lordy…this man is just what our spirits need these days!

~ Smartypants

Link to transcript below the fold.

Netroots Nation 2013: “Ask the Leader” Keynote (Updated with Video)

Netroots Nation is a yearly gathering of left of center online organizations and bloggers. This year’s convention is in San Jose CA.

Saturday’s lunch keynote is entitled “Ask the Leader”, a question and answer session with House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. It is scheduled to start at 12:00pm Pacific (1pm Mountain, 2pm Central, 3pm Eastern).

Video from the Free Speech TV archive is below the fold

From the NN13 schedule:

Ask the Leader

Keynote; Sat, 06/22/2013 – 12:00pm, Exhibit Hall 2

Join moderator Zerlina Maxwell and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, in a substantive discussion about current issues and legislative process. Tweet your questions with the hashtag #AskPelosi in advance or live during the session.

Boxed lunches generously sponsored by the Sierra Club.

Led by: Zerlina Maxwell

Panelists: House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi

Zerlina Maxwell:

Zerlina Maxwell is a political analyst and contributing writer for,, and She writes about national politics, candidates, and specific policy and culture issues including domestic violence, sexual assault, victim blaming and gender inequality. She has consulted with the United States Department of State to promote the use of social media by students in the West Bank. Her writing has also appeared in JET Magazine, on, The Huffington Post, The American Prospect,, and She is also a frequent guest on Make It Plain with Mark Thompson on Sirius XM Left and on Fox News. (Twitter)


Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi:

Nancy Pelosi is the Democratic Leader of the House of Representatives in the 113th Congress. From 2007 to 2011, she served as the first woman Speaker of the House and is the first woman in American history to lead a major political party in Congress. Leader Pelosi has represented San Francisco, California’s 12th District, for 26 years.

Netroots Nation: Two Proposals for Panels on Torture

Greetings Everyone,

  Just a head’s up for anyone thinking about or planning to attend this year’s Netroots Nation June 20 – 23rd, in San Jose California.

  I have organized and proposed two panels on, no surprise, torture.

If it is chosen, one will be on “Torture in American Prisons” with panelists Robert Hillary King (the released member of the Angola Three who spent 29 years in solitary confinement… Carter Camp (a leader in the American Indian Movement… and Dr. Craig Haney (who assisted Dr. Philip Zimbardo with his experiments http://haney.socialpsychology…. and one other unconfirmed panelist. The panelists will talk about what techniques used in prisons according to the UN definition, why are they torture, why is it important to stop them, and what we can do to stop them.

The second panel, if it is chosen, will be on “Torture and Accountability” with panelists Marjorie Cohn (former president of the National Lawyer’s Guild… Dr. Jeffrey Kaye known in the blod world as Valtin (a clinical psychologist who treats those who have survived torture, who writes extensively on the subject… Armando Llorens (a lawyer who has blogged extensively about the issue on DKos and on Talk Left… and an unconfirmed panelist. The panelists will be talking about why is it important to hold those responsible at the highest levels for authorizing and ordering torture since 9/11 legally accountable, where are we now with the issue, and where do we go from here.

   I hope, if you attend the conference, you will take the time to attend one or both of these panels, if they are chosen. We are very lucky to have expert panelists.

   Standing for justice and accountability,

              For Dan,
