Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics


U4ME: Utahns For Medicaid Expansion Rally


Utah is one of the remaining states still “undecided” about Medicaid Expansion.  Utahns For Medicaid Expansion,  chaired by a doctor in private practice (Ray Ward) has taken on the task of organizing us to support Medicaid Expansion despite our do-as-little-as-possible governor and totally useless legislature.  

A Tale of Two Rallies

Two rallies were held this weekend in Alaska.  One, for the McCain-Palin ticket.  The other: Obama-Biden.

Which one got more support by about a four-to-one margin?


“Alaska Women Reject Palin” Rally – 150% the Size of Pro-Palin Rally

Mudflats, a blog by Alaskan AKMuckraker has an article today about a rally – organized by eight women over coffee – held to counter the event welcoming Gov. Palin home from her ordeal answering questions for the first time since being nominated by the GOP for President (er: *Vice* President).  The turnout dwarfed the Pro-Palin rally yesterday.

Alaskan Women Reject Palin was, by this account, the *”biggest political rally ever, in the history of the state”*.  At least 1,400 people showed up, and to put that in perspective that would be akin to 100,000 New Yorker women showing up to a political rally in New York City (we can be fairly certain no-one took the train from New Jersey to Anchorage or drove up from Philadelphia for the event).  This compares to perhaps 1,000 Palin fans who showed up for her event that same day.


Alaska Daily News also has an article with 50 more first-hand pics.