Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

New Mexico

Water Wars…

This outlines the local situation reasonably well. A few of the early settlers here (fin d’ siecle) were farseeing and nailed down senior water rights for Carlsbad, which continues to be pretty strong in this department. As the droughts continue and temperatures rise a bit, surface water storage is going to become even less effective and it’s going to become increasingly obvious that water is best stored underground.

The dissent is as always about the flow of the Pecos and how much it’s affected by pumping. But this dissent links directly into above-ground storage. Ultimately people in the region should recognize that they are fighting the wrong battle and should address pumping overall, not the flow of the Pecos specifically, but that would mean fighting water rights that are over 100 years old.

Meanwhile what will probably happen is the mining companies will buy up the land with water rights as the drought continues and farming will suffer a severe setback in the region, which is likely a good idea, except that at least with farming, the water is given back in some manner – mining tends to pollute and even sequester it. 

I had a visit, and it was nice

I had a visit, and it was nice,

I had a guest and he was so polite!

I had a friend here, and he spent a lot of time

   talking to my cats, saying special things

About their bellies. 

I made my visiting friend my favorite dinner,

with chile lime barbecue and green beans and potatoes, and cheese and butter,

And before we ate, I thanked the three chickens who died for those wings. I counted.

My friend helped me think about the premises here. “The furnace and water heater vents need more clearance, that could catch your roof on fire.”

“The furnace is wired directly into the house current? Well, do you have a good switchbox? Not to worry.”

“You are worried about your exterior faucet freezing? (metal pipe) ” Not likely a problem unless it gets really cold, then stuff a five gallon bucket full of straw and cover the fixture with that.

I haz friends.