Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics


The Daily F Bomb, Monday 1/6/14


Death penalty – for or against, and why?

Do you have any idea what frankincense and myrrh are? Would you be pleased by such a gift?

What is the longest flight you were ever on? How was it?

The Twitter Emitter

In the News: Cruel and Unusual – Updated with video and transcript

UPDATE: Tuesday, January 7th – Remarks by the President on the Importance of Extending Emergency Unemployment Insurance

From the transcript:

You heard Katherine’s story.  And she’s far more eloquent than I could ever be.  She wrote me last month to say, “Please let those who think I am sitting at home enjoying being unemployed know that I would much rather be working.”  And I had a chance to talk to Katherine, and I think it’s pretty clear that that’s the case.  Katherine went on to say, “I have applied to everything for which I am possibly qualified to no avail.  I have worked hard all my life, paid taxes, voted, engaged in political discussion, and made the ultimate sacrifice:  My two sons serve in the U.S. military.  Job loss is devastating, and if I could fix it myself, I would.  I challenge any lawmaker to live without an income.”  That’s what Katherine said.  It’s hard.  (Applause.)

So when we’ve got the mom of two of our troops, who is working hard out there, but is having to wear a coat inside the house, we’ve got a problem.  And it’s one that can be fixed.  


Found on the Internets …

A series of tubes filled with enormous amounts of material

The Cruel …

Democrats Make Last-Ditch Push To Bring Back Unemployment Benefits

When Congress returns from the holiday recess this week, Democrats will kick off the new session with a last-ditch push to renew emergency unemployment benefits that expired on Dec. 28.

But despite their cautious optimism, they face a tough slog as most Republicans have little desire to extend the benefits, which have already lapsed for some 1.3 million Americans who have been out of work for at least 26 weeks, and will expire for more in the coming months.

Senate Democrats have set up a test vote on Monday to extend unemployment compensation for three months. The bill is sponsored by Sens. Jack Reed (D-RI) and Dean Heller (R-NV). Sixty senators are required to break an expected filibuster and it’s not clear there are that many votes.

Poverty Rate Would Be Nearly Twice As High Without Government Programs

Ron Johnson Suing To Cut Health Care Subsidies For Congress, Staff

Wisconsin Lawmaker Wants To Take Away Workers’ Weekends


… and the Bat Guano Crazy Unusual.

Gay Marriage Opponents Call For Uprising In Utah

The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association on Saturday organized a meeting in Highland, Utah to call for an uprising and to express their opposition to same-sex marriage in Utah, Fox 13 Now Salt Lake City reported.

“The people of Utah have rights, too, not just the homosexuals. The homosexuals are shoving their agenda down our throats,” Former Graham County, Ariz., Sheriff Richard Mack said at the meeting.[…]

“State sovereignty supercedes what this judge did,” Mack said. “The Governor needs to get some courage and grip.”

Josh Marshall: Trestin Meachum Watch

Yesterday I told you about Trestin Meacham, an idealistic young Utahan who is putting himself forth as the Gandhi of hating gay people, now two weeks into a hunger strike meant to compel Utah to “nullify” federal court decisions that allow gay marriage in the state. He’s even live-tweeting his fast. […]

It turns out Meacham isn’t just some young doofus upset about gay people. Or at least that’s not all he is. Back in 2012 he was a candidate for Utah state senate from the far-right US Taxpayers Party.


The Daily F Bomb, Friday 1/3/14


Are you still accidentally writing “2013” instead of “2014”?

Are you a good driver? How are you at parallel parking?

Did you ever have to sneak into your own home?

Have you ever been locked out of your home when nobody is around to let you in? What did you do?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 1/2/14

Oh, man, today’s gonna feel like Monday again! That’s two weeks in a row with two Mondays. No fair.


When do your Christmas decorations come down?

What famous landmarks or artworks have you been photographed with?

Do you carry a handkerchief? What is your sneezing strategy?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday 1/1/14


How’s the new year treating you so far? Any hangover?

Do you remember when they advertised cigarettes on TV? What ads do you remember?

What time zone is Real Time?

How do you plan to start off this new year?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 12/30/13


Did you ever participate in a Science Fair? What was your entry?

What food do you love most that does not love you back?

What do you find relaxing? Do you just kick back, or do you actually do something?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 12/27/13


Do you watch, attend, or participate in any kind of pet shows? Have you ever? How about the 4H club?

What subject did you dislike in school but like now?

Do you prefer solitude, or do you like to have lots of people around?

The Twitter Emitter

Generic Democrat Will Lose in an Election 10 Months from Now!!

Found on the Internets:

A series of tubes filled with enormous amounts of detritus material

Poll: Dems Drop 13 Points On Generic Ballot In 2 Months

The CNN/ORC poll released Thursday found that a Republican candidate leads a Democratic candidate on the generic ballot, 49 percent to 44 percent. The new findings from the mid-December poll are a switch from two months ago when Democrats had the advantage over Republicans on the generic ballot. Back then, the same polling outlet found Democrats leading Republicans on the generic ballot, 50 percent to 42 percent.

So a person who does not exist will lose to another person who does not exist in an election 311 days from now. Sigh. Perhaps the wildly fluctuating polls had something to do with this?

Only 6 people were able to enroll at on Oct. 1

Or maybe because the right-wing and mainstream (is that redundant?) news sites are pounding the “Obamacare is a failure!!” story and ignoring any good news?

Karl “Math Guy” Rove is predicting a big year for Republicans. And that is good news for John McCain Democrats if we run on the Affordable Care Act and the minimum wage and Heartless Republicans:

The GOP Decides to Play Scrooge as Millions Lose Benefits

Inequality isn’t important? That’s just wrong

Hey Dems: the only way out on health-care is through

ObamaCare sales surge

Poll Finds Strong National Support For Extending Unemployment Benefits

Gallup: 76% Of Americans Support A Minimum Wage Increase

And this won’t hurt the cause one bit: McDonald’s Ditches Worker Advice Website Due To ‘Unwarranted Scrutiny’

Before it was shut down this week, the McResource site had advised McDonald’s workers to avoid holiday debt by selling their Christmas presents for cash, and warned them not to eat fast food. McResource also advised workers to break their food into small pieces as a way of tricking themselves into feeling full, and suggested that workers “sing away stress.”

“Unwarranted scrutiny”, aka, EPIC cluelessness.

Please proceed, rich minimum-wage corporations getting rich because your workers are kept alive via government safety nets. Please proceed.


The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 12/26/13


Have you ever attended the funeral of a deceased public figure? If so, who?

Do you still write thank you notes?

Have you ever written anything in wet cement? Carved anything on a tree?

Do you have any brand loyalties? Examples?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 12/24/13


Do you have a big day planned for tomorrow? Are you staying put or going somewhere?

Did you get anyone a gift that you can’t wait for them to open?

How good were you at manipulating your parents? Any examples? How good are your kids at manipulating you (or nieces and nephews, if you don’t have kids)?

Did you get your pets anything for Christmas?

The Twitter Emitter