Death penalty – for or against, and why?
Do you have any idea what frankincense and myrrh are? Would you be pleased by such a gift?
What is the longest flight you were ever on? How was it?
The Twitter Emitter
Some of you say, "Math is a universal language." Others say, "Maths is a universal language." See, right there: not a universal language.
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) January 3, 2014
SOURCES: Washington Post hoping to convince @EzraKlein to stay at paper with free Amazon Prime membership
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) January 3, 2014
Yes, a blizzard means there's no global warming, just like one honest politician means there's no government corruption.
— Will McAvoy (@WillMcAvoyACN) January 3, 2014
Today in 2010, Alabama rejected same-sex marriage, but continued to recognize same-family marriage.
— Disalmanac (@Disalmanac) January 3, 2014
M.H Perry makes a stupid joke about Romney' Grandchild, She must be fired. Michael Scheuer says Obama should be killed, Goes on Fox news.
— steve trojanoski (@troj21) January 4, 2014
Some say "feed a fever, starve a cold," and some say it's the other way around, but I say feed them both and let God sort them out.
— John Scalzi (@scalzi) January 4, 2014
BAD NEWS: Those jeans make you look fat. GOOD NEWS: You make those jeans look skinny.
— Jesus Christ (@Jesus_M_Christ) January 5, 2014
Remember, the #GOP has no problem with "redistribution" as long as it's flowing upward.
#P2 #UniteBlue
— F. Grey Parker (@greyparker) January 5, 2014
Me: I think I’ll use whole wheat flour… All the pantry pests in the world: OH HEY WAT DO? Me: So I’m going to use all-purpose flour…
— Wil Wheaton (@wilw) January 5, 2014
Ben Carson says legal marijuana use will lead to hedonism. I suppose drinking alcohol is a form of stoicism?
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) January 5, 2014