Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics


All The News: Pentecost


Grand Canyon, from space shuttle – credit to the astronauts.  I don’t understand the perspective though, there are heavy pine forests near the rim.  

Disclaimer:  In case it is not already abundantly clear, the stuff inside the blockquotes are NOT my words.  I provide links to the full content just above each blockquote.  I give full attribution to photos from news sites and normally copy their own attribution directly.  If I use my own words, they are in plain text, and outside of the blockquoting and orange links.  

All The News: Sunday, Mothers, Spring


Commander Chris Hadfield took this from the ISS and shared it on twitter.  

Here is your Sunday night news.  Please add stories you like, or from where you are, in the comments.

Disclaimer:  In case it is not already abundantly clear, the stuff inside the blockquotes are NOT my words.  I provide links to the full content just above each blockquote.  I give full attribution to photos from news sites and normally copy their own attribution directly.  If I use my own words, they are in plain text, and outside of the blockquoting and orange links.


Looking south from the Shoreline Trail just south of University of Utah section.    

All The News: Sunday


@thatsearth Ocean Sand 250x magnification.  

Lead story:

Gun Violence Since Newtown

Bill Moyers; John Light and Lauren Feeney

Take a look at gun deaths, school shootings, public opinion and the Senate vote on gun control in the wake of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, that killed 26 people, including 20 children.

The Victims

Number of people killed by guns in the first 98 days post-Newtown: 2,244

 There are info-graphics & data.  Read and weep.


All The News: Mid-Week Updates

Pat Toomey confirms it: Obama is right about GOP

Wapo; Greg Sargent

Having a Republican on record confirming this is useful. As Steve Benen notes, it makes all the suggestions that Obama needs to “lead” and “twist arms” look pretty silly. Indeed, Toomey’s concession is particularly relevant to the ongoing debate over Obama’s remarks at his presser yesterday. Here’s the bit that has all of the Green Lanternites out there slapping their knees and laughing uproariously:

   “I cannot force Republicans to embrace those common-sense solutions…It’s tough. Their base thinks that compromise with me is somehow a betrayal. They’re worried about primaries. And I understand all that. And we’re going to try to do everything we can to create a permission structure for them to be able to do what’s going to be best for the country. But it’s going to take some time.”

But is this materially different from what Toomey said about his own party? No, it isn’t.

Just a reminder:  The GOP in general and in specificity cannot stand to do one single thing that might possible make Obama look good.  

All The News: Twitter Experiment

Arch of Titus - Arco di Tito

By Ilkka Hamalainen

Arch of Titus – Arco di Tito

Like most triumphal arches, this one celebrates a victory of war.

The Arch of Titus has provided the general model for many of the triumphal arches erected since the 16th century.

All The News Fit To Share:  Add your own in the comments!  

If media covered America the way we cover foreign cultures



   Yet another massacre has occurred in the historically war-torn region of the Southern United States – and so soon after the religious festival of Easter.

   Brian McConkey, 27, a Christian fundamentalist militiaman living in the formerly occupied territory of Alabama, gunned down three men from an opposing tribe in the village square near Montgomery, the capitol, over a discussion that may have involved the rituals of the local football cult. In this region full of heavily-armed local warlords and radical Christian clerics, gun violence is part of the life of many.

   Many of the militiamen here are ethnic Scots-Irish tribesmen, a famously indomitable mountain people who have killed civilized men – and each other – for centuries. It appears that the wars that started on the fields of Bannockburn and Stirling have come to America.

   As the sun sets over the former Confederate States of America, one wonders – can peace ever come to this land?

I selected the example, however, the rest of the writing is very interesting.  

Midday News – Tuesday, 23 Apr 2013 (and Open News Thread)

From the newswires …

How Closing The Online Sales Tax Loophole Would Help Low-Income Families

The Marketplace Fairness Act, which has bipartisan support in the Senate, would change that, giving states the authority to levy sales taxes on online purchases even when the retailer isn’t based within a state’s borders. Passing the legislation would both remove an unfair advantage for online retailers give cash-strapped states more authority to collect sales taxes. But despite warnings from conservatives that it would represent a “government takeover of the internet” and levy “taxation without representation,” the loophole also makes sales taxes even more regressive, since low-income families often don’t have access to online retailers


Kansas Governor Approves Sweeping Anti-Abortion Law, Writes ‘JESUS + Mary’ In His Notes On The Bill

Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback (R) has signed a stringent anti-abortion bill that blocks tax breaks for abortion providers, requires doctors to tell women about the disputed link between abortion and breast cancer, and defines life as beginning at conception in the state constitution. However, despite the fact that the omnibus legislation is 70 pages long, it does not necessarily explicitly state everything that the Republican governor wishes to convey on the abortion issue.

Before Brownback signed HB 2253 into law at a ceremony at the statehouse on Friday, an AP photo reveals that he made a few additions of his own in his notes on the bill.


42 Million People Watched Last Hour Of Manhunt For Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

In 1993, 42.4 million households tuned in to the series finale of Cheers. Last Friday, almost 42 million people tuned in ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox News Channel or MSNBC to watch the last hour of the manhunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the 19-year-old who today was charged with using a weapon of mass destruction and malicious destruction of property resulting in death in the bombings a week ago of the Boston Marathon. There’s no question that a national news event, particularly one centered on a spectacular and seemingly inexplicable crime, would draw an enormous audience. But the juxtaposition of those figures from twenty years apart serves to illustrate a useful point: national tragedies, particularly crime stories, are perhaps the last form of television that has a truly mass audience.

Read More: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Read Miranda Rights In Bedside Proceedings (TRANSCRIPT)

Read More: The First Glimpse Of The Federal Case Against The Alleged Boston Bomber

Read More: Number Of People Injured From Boston Bombings Rises To 282


Quick Takes …

WaPo: Baucus To Retire, Won’t Seek Re-Election In 2014

Poll: Colbert Busch Opens Up 9 Point Lead Over Sanford

Republicans Who Voted Against Sandy Aid Ask For Aid To West, Texas After Explosion


All The News: Late Weekend Update

NASA GOES-12 Full Disk view March 30, 2010

NASA’s photo.  

Three international journalists asked to leave Bahrain

The Bahraini government ordered three journalists from the British television network ITV to leave the country today, according to news reports citing an ITV spokesman. The journalists, who were also briefly detained on Thursday, are in the process of leaving the country.

The ITV crew was composed of correspondent Rageh Omaar, and a cameraman and producer, who have not been identified, according to news reports. The journalists were covering the political unrest in Bahrain that coincided with a major Formula One race this coming weekend, the reports said.

An ITV spokesman said in a statement on Thursday that police stopped the crew from filming on Thursday and took them to a local police station. She said the police held “discussions” with them before saying they could continue to film. The ITV journalists filed a story on the protests later that day.

Committee to Protect Journalists:  14 dead journalists in 2013.