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The Twitter Emitter
Sarah Palin: "Well, of course the Tea Party has an alternative plan to Obamacare. It's the Affordable Care Act, but Obama has blocked it."
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) November 11, 2013
Hint to Sarah Palin and everyone else; if you start a sentence "this isn't racist" don't finish it.
— Peter Flom (@peterflom) November 12, 2013
Black Friday – when the 1% tells the 99% to go shop and save the economy.
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) November 12, 2013
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by because I was staring down at my phone.
— Tim Siedell (@badbanana) November 12, 2013
Fox News just apologized for not running the story 60 Minutes apologized for.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) November 12, 2013
Conservatives outraged that Obama lied about keeping your health insurance are also outraged you keep mentioning George W Bush
— Political Line (@PoliticaILine) November 12, 2013
60 Minutes investigating what Obama knew about Anna Nicole Smith's murder.
— CJ Werleman (@cjwerleman) November 12, 2013
Poverty in the Phillipines no doubt contributed to the death toll but detracts from the dollar amount that would make republicans care
— Karl (@JerryMander) November 12, 2013
If public nudity is so empowering, Miley Cyrus, why have I just been handcuffed by a policeman?
— Mr Roger Quimbly (@RogerQuimbly) November 10, 2013