What radio station(s) did you grow up on? What kind of music did they play? What tunes come to mind when you think back to those days?
Did you have a favorite Mouseketeer?
How do you define obscenity?
The Twitter Emitter
You can shut down our government, but you can never shut down our petty, partisan bickering.
— Ronan Farrow (@RonanFarrow) October 1, 2013
The Internet has given us a huge increase in the places where thoughts can be stored, but without a corresponding increase in thoughts
— Ben Greenman (@bengreenman) October 1, 2013
Wouldn't it be ironic if furloughed federal workers spent their time off making sure ppl were registered to vote? #shutdown #p2 #tcot
— James (@jazgar) October 2, 2013
In 1850 the mainstream media blamed both sides for slavery– the rich white Southern slave owners AND the slaves.
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) October 2, 2013
It's good advice to let sleeping dogs lie. Except maybe when they're aged, gassy, snore loudly and want to lie right next to your bed.
— BEN PATRICK JOHNSON (@benpatrick90069) October 2, 2013
If derp could be converted into money Cruz and Paul alone could re-open the US government.
— Danielle (@DCPlod) October 2, 2013
It's adorable, and very convincing, when conservatives claim you HATE VETERANS if you think Bachmann showing up for photos is gauche.
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) October 2, 2013
Republicans hate us because of our Freedom #p2 #tcot
— Terrell Lewis (@SgBz) October 2, 2013
If ignorance is bliss, why are Republicans always so pissed off? @bellobass
— Jesse LaGreca (@JesseLaGreca) October 2, 2013
"Hey baby, is your name #Benghazi? Cuz I'm gonna keep hitting on you until it becomes a scandal!" #WorstPickUpLines #GOPPickUpLines
— Eric Wolfson (@ericwolfson) October 2, 2013
If you spent the last 4 years blocking and obstructing healthcare access for millions of people, don't even mention kids with cancer.
— Frank Vdl (@fvdlfvdl) October 2, 2013