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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? Inciting violence is cool now?

Barack Obama’s attacks on Americans who support John McCain reveal far more about him than they do about John McCain. It is clear that Barack Obama just doesn’t understand regular people and the issues they care about. He dismisses hardworking middle class Americans as clinging to guns and religion, while at the same time attacking average Americans at McCain rallies who are angry at Washington, Wall Street and the status quo.

Even worse, he attacks anyone who dares to question his readiness to serve as their commander in chief in chief. Raising legitimate questions about record, character and judgment are a vital part of the Democratic process, and Barack Obama’s effort to silence and shame those who seek answers should make everyone wonder exactly what he is hiding.

So sayeth Brian Rogers of the McCain campaign.…

Why Think When You Can Feel?

Why think when you can feel?  Why reason when you can react?  Why contemplate when you can obliterate?

These are important questions, I’m afraid.  Altogether too many of our fellow countrymen believe things that are not only untrue (we’re all guilty of that to some degree), but things that are pernicious and evil, things that are to their own disadvantage.  Al Gore wrote a book titled Assault on Reason wherein he discussed this at length.  I would recommend that anyone who values intellectualism, ideas, and ideals read it.  

The recent attacks on Barack Obama are really attacks on intelligence and reason.  The people we’ve recently seen on Youtube who have bitterly clung to these memes are doing something monstrous.  They are taking a mental shortcut.  Barack Obama is a square peg and the Presidency is a round hole.  He doesn’t really fit their preconceived notion of what a President should be.  This is not wholly racial.  He is an overt intellectual.  Bill Clinton is one of the smartest presidents we’ve ever had, but he did not win on that.   President Clinton ran on empathy and camaraderie, with his skill less displayed than his pluck.  Barack Obama’s life story and his family story are very unconventional.  He doesn’t come from an old family, nor a hardscrabble long shot story such as Clinton’s.  No, Barack Obama is very different in a number of ways.

This Hurts Our Country More Than Bill Ayers Ever Did

“Pallin’ around with terrorists.”

I just cannot fathom the level of desperation it takes to say such a thing.  I just cannot comprehend the lack of decency it takes to say such a thing.  I just cannot believe that an honorable public servant could say such a thing.

Mercifully, I don’t consider Governor Palin an honorable anything.  More troubling, perhaps, is the fact that someone I did consider to be an honorable public servant sending her out there and allowing her (or perhaps asking her) to say such a thing.

This hurts our country more than Bill Ayers ever did.

Cynthia McKinney Jumps the Shark (yeah, I know)

Please forgive the source:…

Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney, known for her provocative statements when she was a congresswoman from Georgia, accused the Department of Defense this week of using Hurricane Katrina to cover up the slaughter of 5,000 prisoners.

At a news conference in Oakland, Calif., on Sunday, McKinney claimed the Pentagon authorized the execution of the prisoners with one bullet to the head three years ago and then dumped their bodies in a Louisiana swamp.

McKinney said she heard the story from the mother of a National Guard soldier who said her son was assigned to help dispose of the bodies.

“And these were mostly males and her son was afraid to talk because he had signed a silence agreement,” McKinney told the crowd. “So he only complained to his mother. But the data was entered into a Pentagon computer.”

McKinney said she verified the story from “insiders” who wanted to remain anonymous.

Please Forgive My Absence. I have (personal) news

I am engaged to be married.  The most wonderful girl in the world has agreed to be my wife, and I could not possibly be any happier about it than I am.  The heavens have parted, a single beam of light has been cast down, and all is right in the world.

On day two of our six day trip to Disney World we had dinner at the delightful California Grill, which is atop the Contemporary Resort (cool building, the Monorail runs through it).  After a fantastic dinner we went out to the observation deck (amazingly nobody else went out there) with our bottle of merlot and waited for the fireworks from the Magic Kingdom.  I found the courage to ask the question, and she said yes.  I knew that she would, but it was still a huge thing that she actually did.

My parents have been extremely supportive and pleased.  Her parents have been positive.  We’re looking at a year or so long engagement.  I’ve got to wait that long because one of my best friends is in Iraq and we’re waiting for his return.  Also, I will take the bar in July and I want that in my rear-view mirror by the time we get hitched.

I leave this place for one lousy week and the economy goes to hell, McCain falls behind in North Carolina, Virginia, and Florida, and Wachovia gets eaten by Citi.

No more breaks, I guess.

PPP – Colorado O51, M44


The movement over the last couple weeks has been particularly acute with independent voters. 56% of them say that the Palin choice makes them less likely to support McCain and what was a 49-38 lead for Obama with that group is now a 58-31 advantage.

Folks, the hits keep coming.  We’re rocketing up in Colorado, New Mexico, and Iowa.  Please remember how significant that combination of states is.  I honestly think that with those three and Virginia we’re in an unassailable position.

Go Colorado!  Interestingly, Governor Palin’s unfavorables seem to have jumped above her favorability rating in this poll.  If that’s true in Colorado, a home to quite a few evangelicals, one wonders how she’s doing elsewhere.

Seven points, folks!

To Our Friends Across the Aisle

Howdy neighbors.  I hope you guys and gals are doing well.  I really do.  I’m less pugnacious than some among the Netroots, and I hope your personal lives are happy and comfortable.  I don’t wish anyone ill merely for a political disagreement.  Why not grab a beer or something and get comfortable.  This may take a minute.

My Republican friends, I have a simple question to ask you, though there will be considerable baggage along with this simple question.

McCain supported privatizing SS to these same companies!

Good morning everyone!

John McCain supported the privatization of Social Security.  While I strongly and emphatically opposed such a notion, I honestly don’t mind disagreeing with the other side on actual policy.  I was thrilled beyond words that President Bush’s odious effort failed spectacularly, but at least it was a discussion of actual policy.  Score one for intelligent discourse and all that.

But remember how this privatization was going to work.  These people wanted to hand over control of a large portion of Social Security to the very same firms that are either out of business, going out of business, or in danger of going out of business.

Guys, we need this to be the number one talking point.

The Gift of Palin – We Now Have Something To Lose

Good morning everyone!  This will be the only Palin diary you likely see from me.  As emotions have cooled and analysis has taken sway it occurs to me that Governor Palin is a gift to Barack Obama, though one wrapped in shigawire (mojo to whomever gets that reference).  She presents a golden opportunity to the Left, one that we absolutely cannot miss and if we do we deserve to lose…

If We Ain’t Careful, We’re Gonna Get Rolled


An angry black man.

That’s what the Republicans want, oh so desperately do they crave it.  If the Republicans can label Barack, through implication and “unconnected” surrogates, 527’s and friendly media, if they can label him as an angry black man he will go down into defeat.

Barack’s in a tough spot.  He has to be unflappable, yet he cannot appear conciliatory or weak.  If he goes into some righteous attack, some brash and divine diatribe on the lies and slanders of the Right they WILL win.