Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

I Was Not Speeding (Thanks Governor Palin!)

Your honor, I think you will find — if you just peruse this report — that I was not speeding when the state trooper pulled me over.

Hmm… Who prepared this report? Well, I did of course.

Now, if you’ll just turn to page 2 you’ll find the general conclusion of the report: I am not guilty of speeding. On page 4 you’ll find the detailed diagrams demonstrating that if I was driving no more than 30 mph, I could not have been driving 40 mph when the officer pulled me over. And if you flip to page 7–

What’s that? My protestations of innocence don’t automatically me innocent?

I don’t understand.

It worked for Sarah Palin.

McCain’s $300 Billion Boondoggle

A couple days ago, I laid out my thoughts about how the economy needed to be fundamentally restructured to repair the damage done by 30 years of broken Republican economic ideology.

One of the things I talked about was the need to alleviate the bad mortages lying at the heart of the current crisis by (1) re-regulating the mortgage market to provide the safeguards that used to exist; and (2) restructuring the bad mortgages that already exist so that homeowners can continue making reasonably monthly payments.

So I was surprised in the most recent debate when I heard John McCain talk about renegotiating some of these bad mortgages…

… only to discover that he had gone about in the worst way I could possibly imagine.

And when I actually got my hands on a detailed description of what he was proposing, it only got worse. More below the fold.