Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Its Been too Damn Quiet Around Here – UPDATED

And there certainly hasn’t been any righteous rants as of late. So to fill the void and because it kinda cracked me up watching it. I give you the 100 greatest movie insults of all time.

Warning not for small children, office viewing, people burdened with over sensitivity as to what might be PC and what might not be.

However if you are looking for a verbal round house to hand out to some worthy soul these may inspire.

And in Other News (Updated)

Ok Keith is back, like he was ever really gone and Dkos is in full swoon.

Obama gave his speech it got panned. He got 20 billion out of BP the next day it got praised and panned and apologized for.

But what else is going on.

Well we woke this morning to find the General Stanley McChrystal has stepped in it. It seems he and his aides may have spoken just a little to freely to a freelance Rolling Stone reporter.

BP Failed Long Before the BOP* Failed

*BOP = Blow out Preventor

I do not often recommend that folks head over to the WSJ for anything, but today I make an exception. As BP continues to spin this disaster as a failure of technology – the BOP’s failure. Someone from the oil and gas industry has finally come along and declared Bull Shit!

Terry Barr, the writer of this letter to the editor in response to Hayward’s WSJ Op Ed on June 4th, is President of Samson Oil and Gas Limited  which is a Australian based oil & gas company holding extensive development and exploration acreage in the USA. So I think the man knows of which he speaks.  He clearly lays the blame on BP and the failure of it’s people to follow standard industry practices that could have prevented this disaster BOP failure or not.

image courtesy the Young Turks

My Mom and Helen Thomas

My mother died eight years ago at the ripe old age of 92. She had a vibrant and exciting life. Over her lifetime she mingled with both the rich and powerful. She knew a wide range of people from Bing Crosby to D. K. Ludwig. She had met Presidents and Prime Ministers. She personally knew both poverty and wealth. She had lived through both war and peace. She was well educated and well read.

Yet, for all her worldliness, for all the people she knew and counted as friends both black, white, Christian and Jew she was a both a racist and a anti-Semite. When she was young and raising us she kept these beliefs very much to herself. I think down deep inside somewhere she knew she was wrong and made a very conscious not to pass these ideas onto her children.

At Long Last . . .

I am finally here.

Truth is I signed up for Motley Moose way way back in the beginning, but for whatever reason just never came here. I guess I was tracking too many blogs and one more seemed like an overload. Or I was lazy or I just never gave it much thought or  . . . doesn’t really matter.

As of today I am correcting this grievous oversight. After days and days (months and months?) of hair on fire diaries at KOS, one friggin flame war after another  I needed some place sane. So here I am, better late than never?