Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

The War in Iraq is Over

But did anyone notice? I just got home from a busy day and turned MSNBC on (as is my auto habit), and discovered that at this moment the last of US combat troops are leaving Iraq. I had not realized this would be occurring today as most of the news lately has been about the earth shattering story of the “Ground Zero Mosque” (please insert snark here)

Friday July 23, 2010 The (it has been a while since the last) Day in Tubes

It has been a while since I last posted a Day in Tubes. Monday December 21, 2009 was my final post, if I am not mistaken. Shortly after that tube diary, my CPU shut down and would not get up. I also experience a similar meltdown, and became what I have come to call (not affectionately): a Narcoleptic Zombie. My Nurse Practitioner thought it would be a great idea for me to go on a new medication last December. However, I now realize it was a terrible decision, as I basically lost six months of my life.

A life that was saved by an underpaid, but supremely dedicated employee of a local non-profit mental health care center. It was her job to help me. It is the job of lot of people to help me, as I really am bat shit crazy (yeah, I know, I shouldn’t use that word. Too bad, ’cause I like it;~). But she actually believed me when I told her that something was terribly wrong. She understood that just because a person is crazy, it doesn’t mean they are incompetent, stupid, and/or liars. Together, we went to see my NP and helped us figure out that the meds were killing me. Thank you Jennifer. I also thank all of my workers (all 17,539 of them;~), and thank Ani and me for moving to a county where the Social Workers actually do their jobs. More on this in a future diary…

So after a full three months off the gnasty meds, I have a new CPU (finally, I know what to call the bloody thing), and (I think) the old Hollede is back. I guess we shall see… Oh and my computer is now a big, bad, beautiful monster that will kick your computer’s ass down the hall;~J

One thing that is now a bit disturbing to me is how much things have changed here in teh internets since my last real venture (not one on the horrid little phone!) into the virtual world. The Moose seems rather, uh…dead these days, and the funny is harder than ever to find at the YouTube (or anywhere else for that matter). For crying out soft, Headzup hasn’t done a new tube since December! Where oh where have they gone? Sob…please come back to me Headzup…moan, please?

Is everyone that disheartened by the politics these days? Well buck up dudes, and get your butts out there and DO SOMETHING!!!!! Quit yer bitchin’, get outta the kitchen, and start kickin’ some pugs in the head! I know, not nice, but whoever said that President Obama could do this alone? He needs our help folks, as the alternative is intolerable. So on with the tubes and we shall see if I have lost my touch…

Although this is not exactly new,  made me smile with their release of “THE PARTY’S OVER-TURE – a sampler of econoparodies”:

God, I love VersusPlus. My only complaint has been and still is, they don’t produce often enough. Please take time to support them and encourage more activity on their part.

It would appear someone is making the republicans very nervous. And she is sending chills through all of the right (pun intended) Democratic spines. Check this out from

Elizabeth Warren has all the right enemies

Conservatives and bankers can’t stand the woman who is trying “to change everything.” Are you listening, Obama?

Now here’s an example of some real crackerjack investigative reporting. Wall Street Journal reporter Damien Palleta has a scoop that will send bank reform  Kremlinologists into a frenzy. On Tuesday night, Elizabeth Warren, the progressive choice to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, had dinner with Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan. And on Wednesday, right after attending the signing ceremony for the Dodd-Frank bill, Warren had lunch with Obama’s trusted senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett.

What can it mean? Who wins in a Jarrett vs Geithner throw down? Is Elena Kagan offering tips on how to pass confirmation hearings with flying colors? Or is Warren operating a last-ditch lobbying effort to win over hearts and minds?

The chatter over Warren’s prospects has grown into a full-on uproar in recent days, and now that bank reform is law, the clock is ticking.

I don’t think Warren’s chances are all that great — too many Democratic senators have already expressed reservations. But I don’t care. As far as I’m concerned, Warren has all the right enemies. Watch Alabama’s Richard Shelby blast her, just this morning:

Uh oh. It would appear that Elizabeth Warren is shaking a few trees and some rotten apples are falling out onto the ground:~D

Barney Frank spoke of the need to appoint Ms. Warren to the Consumer Board with TPMtv earlier today.

Has he lost weight? He is looking fit these days;~J Oh and right on target as usual…

Breaking news from the Onion News Network! Hide your children from…well, let the Onion explain…

An Onion a day helps keep the CNN away.

Looking on the Bright Side

In spite of the heart breaking loss of Teddy Kennedy’s Senate seat to yet another goofy republican, I am reminded of the terrible loss of Paul Wellstone’s seat after his tragic death in 2004 to Norm Coleman. Now that seat has returned to the Democratic party in the capable hands of Al Franken.    

Tuesday December 22, 2009: The Day in Tubes

It has been a working holiday for the US Senate and it would appear that they will spend this week in Washington.

Aw. That was sweet and funny Senator Burris. I am such a sap.

Michael Steele is looking for some attention. Robert Gibbs had a few choice words for Steele.

Chris Matthews has noticed an interesting trend in the republican party.

Let them represent Jesusland.


Monday December 21, 2009: The Day in Tubes

Happy Solstice! I like Winter Solstice because it means the days will begin to get longer. We will not notice a discernible difference for a month or so, but at least we will begin getting more light.

Apparently the season has imposed itself on even the worst of all Scrooges. Headzup explains.

And yet I somehow am deeply suspicious. That bill needs to be looked over very carefully.

Once in a while I hear a speech that is truthful and biting, but with a dignity that defies time.

That was very good.

Voting for cloture on Health Care Reform is a significant breakthrough for our country. It is not perfect, not even close, but we are inches from passing some of the more positive changes in American health care in the history of this country. And I do believe we can make this legislation better in time.

Now let’s talk about some of these Senators. Who is up for re-election in 2010 and 2012? I want to move the House and Senate more to the left. We also need a more representative face to our government. More women and people of color. More liberals. And let the republicans rot in their stew of hate and lunacy they have been fostering for the past few decades.  

Daily Tubes for December 17 & 18, 2009

Sometimes it really, truly sucks to be a Democrat. This week has been a fine example of this sad reality.

Snark with a grain of truth I am afraid. It is a good thing that I never drank the Kool aide, and understands that all Presidents must lead.

Damn! The Federal Government will go bankrupt? I would really appreciate greater depth of that statement. Ok, I will listen to it again.

Yep. Still want more clarification. Help?!

I have the great misfortune of dropping a bit of coal in all of our Democratic stockings. Dems attacking Dems. Sorry.

Howard Dean is angry.

Hmm. I don’t think I agree. My feeling on it at this point; pass the bill and fix it later.

Like that.

Hello from January 1, 2011

What a year it has been. The end of 2009 was just the beginning of an astonishing year. The absolute surprise switch of three Republican Senators who voted with Democrat on HRC just before Christmas was perhaps the pivotal moment that saved our economy and country. The two former Republicans from Maine, Olympia_Snowe and Susan_Collins subsequently switched party’s. Resigning Republican Mel_Martinez’s seat was won by Democratic candidate Betty Castor.

The biggest political losers of the 2010 election cycle were John McCain, whose humiliating primary defeat to J.D. Hayworth led to the astonishing victory of Democrat INSERT DEMOCRAT and Sarah Palin who effectively split the Republican Party in two. While former Governor Palin had minor successes in deep red states defeating longtime Republican candidates with her new party The Dead Caribous helped castrate the Republican Party and led to the largest majority seen by any party in the history of the United States.

The biggest winners of 2010 were the Democratic Party and President Obama. After winning the HCR debate and passage of the bill, the President was able to pass further stimulus for small business and much needed financial support for average Americans with the historic six month payrolls holiday for the first half of 2010. Jobs creation started picking up in the spring as more emphasis on green jobs and basic infrastructure picked up in high gear.  

Daily Tubes for December 15 & 16, 2009

My girl Michele was out and about yesterday. I do love her so.


It is even more fun when juxtaposed against something smart.

Heh. It does help when one is able to string together more than two or three sentences.

The Onion is just in with interesting archeological news.

How many other on-line societies have mysteriously disappeared over the years? And what will they reveal if found?

Monday December 14, 2009: The Day in Tubes

Another VersusPlus! I think that is the second in just a couple of weeks. They seem a bit bearish these days.

I need to thank them for helping me post a tube diary.

Wanna know who is against health care reform? Rachel Maddow gives us some insight. Be patient, as the confusion will soon pass.

Don’t those populist movements just set you on fire?