Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Again, One More Time With Feeling: ASK NOT! to all of you lazy little snots Who Did Not Vote!

This will be the third time I have posted this diary. As time has passed I have posted it each time in a slightly different manner. I first posted it the day after President Obama was elected, and then posted it again a week or so before he was sworn in as President of the United States of America.

I am posting it once again, because I was reminded of my earlier diaries by DeniseVelez’s latest diary that shared Mark Morford’s  Letter to a whiny young Democrat. I am posting it again, because we all have let our country, our President, and ourselves down. I am posting it again, because it is still not too late to do something to change the course we are on towards 2012. Finally, I am posting it again, because I am sick to death of liberals and progressives having the attention span of a gnat, and shitting on the one chance I have ever seen of actually making a difference for the future of the United States of America.

So here goes nothing…now pay attention and pass it along!

Ask Not… **Updated** (+)

by: Hollede

Fri Jan 09, 2009 at 16:07:51 PM EST

Slightly edited and re-posted from November 5, 2009. I was listening to Tavis Smiley this morning and was reminded of this earlier post. I will update with the clip from Morning Joe-Boy (or “Jughead” as Stewart calls him), if I can find a tube. Tavis rocks. I have liked him forever. And I really like Jughead. (Please note the “dripping with sarcasm” alert>:E)

Ask Not…

by: Hollede

Wed Nov 05, 2008 at 16:24:19 PM EST

I have a couple of important issues that I want addressed by our new President. God, after eight long years, it feels so good to call someone President again. President Barack Hussein Obama.

However, I am going to skip over my desires and speak to something I think our new President needs. Something our country needs. Something our world needs.

We need you.

Holy Crap Batman!

Uh oh, I am doing this again and I just can’t stop…but this is on film and is too freaky for me not to share.

I Just Don’t Understand

I am a Democrat because I believe in justice and equality. I am a Democrat because I believe in the Constitution and that living document’s ability to improve the lives of all people. I am a Democrat because the more we educate people, help them improve their condition and strive for world stability and security; the more stable and secure our world will become. I am a Democrat because I am a good guy.

I do not believe the people calling themselves republicans or teapots are not good guys. From every indication, the current “leaders” of the republican/conservative/tea party/whateverthefuckyoucallthem are leading the charge for the destruction of the American middle class. On purpose.