Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Friday August 21, 2009: The Day in Tubes

It would seem that most of my regulars are on vacation. TPMtv is always there for us though. They seem to think we had a wee wee week.

Friday August 21, 2009, the Day in 100 seconds.

Damn it! I think I just had a little accident. Excuse me while I take care of that.

Daily Tubes August 19 & 20, 2009

John posted this in another diary, but it is worth repeating. I only wish more politicians would deal with these idiots in the same way.

Way to go Barney!

What I don’t understand is how on earth these people are beating us?

Tuesday August 19, 2009 in 100 seconds.

We cannot lose this battle.

Wednesday August 20, 2009 in 100 seconds

Wee wee’d up? Heh, that is even better than the silly season.

Daily Tubes for Tuesday August 18, 2009

Headzup is back! Yay! Send them some love from the Moose.

Every so often I get an extreme case of the ‘wows’. This has been occurring with greater frequency lately.

In fact, here is another slack jaw, drool inducer right here.

Babababababababababababababababababababababababagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagabububububububububu. It sucks to be at a loss for words.

Why is bush bugging me less these days? It is as if I am giving him a Ronnie pass.

The Prince of Darkness is Dead

Robert Novak died today.

Years ago I would often say that guys like Novak should just die off and let the world progress.

My sympathies to his family.

Daily Tubes for Monday August 17, 2009

I truly have been getting crabby lately over the nonsense on health care this past month. I am old enough to have watched this type of politics win over and over again. It is a brand of republican fear mongering that has worked for the past 40 years I have been politically aware.

What frustrates me the most, is that it succeeds more often than not.

It looks like Bill Mahr is pissed off as well.

Joe Klein is worried.

The fact is that we do have laws against threatening the President and members of Congress. And yet, do we feed the fuel of mistrust and even more treason, when we follow the correct procedures to protect our elected servants?

Headzup! Bonus Tubes! Volume I

Oh no. I seem to have prematurely posted this tube diary and I cannot seem to take it back without deleting it. Bummer.

Ah well, perhaps I will just let the delightful Headzup speak for themselves. I was gone for a while and missed three months of Headzup. I was catching up on them and thought I would share them with you.

Volume I ~ May 2009

Daily Tubes: Friday August 14, 2009

Ooooh!!! Versusplus released a new song Friday. I absolutely adore these folks and my only regret is they don’t produce more often.

Perhaps Dick could use that at his trial.

Uh oh. The President went to Montana on Friday. I bet he got his butt kicked there…

Friday August 14, 2009: The day in 100 seconds from TPMtv.

Or not. Could it be there are reasonable people everywhere?

Daily Tubes for August 12 and 13, 2009

I am getting a bit worn out listening and responding to the cacophony of lies and anger and greed that has taken over the national dialogue in regards to health care reform. I keep thinking that Americans will wake up and understand what is in all of our best interests. It is so plain to me, what is needed in our country, and yet all of the recent noise takes us ever further from reality.  

Wednesday August 12, 2009: The day in 100 seconds by TPMtv.

Are you fearful for our country or are you hopeful? I am trying to stay hopeful.


Could someone post a nice photo with my buddy Karl behind bars. A girl can dream. Or rather here in Minnesota, often uttered by both genders: a guy can dream.

Thursday August 13, 2009: The Day in 100 seconds.

What? Wait! The Earth is not flat?!?!? Oh and for the record, I think that the idea of Death Panels rock/snark/. I have just always called them insurance companies/not snark/.

Daily Tubes for Tuesday August 11, 2009

Tuesday August 11, 2009: The Day in 100 seconds.

Wow. Wow. Wow. That was something else. I must say after watching that, I sat in mute shock for quite some time. I don’t even like Arlen Specter, but that was one of the more horrifying things I have seen in a while. My only question is where were these people when the ‘lil shrub was actually shredding the Constitution while he was leasing the White House?

Oh yeah, I remember. These are the same folks who helped the ‘lil shrub steal the election. Anyone recall the Brooks Brothers riot? Rachel Maddow illustrates the event.

If you need to jog your memory of the events in 2000, check out None Dare Call It Treason By Vincent Bugliosi. It is a good read.