Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

When It Happens to You

I was a little ticked that the idiots at AIG got bonuses.  But I couldn’t get too worked up about it, in large part because there has been so much contradictory information floating around that has been difficult to tell what exactly went on.  I really don’t like getting pissed off about something unless I’m entirely sure what I’m getting pissed off about.

I found out today, though, that it is easy to get pissed off about bonuses when it happens to you.

Crying over a door: the Arrogance of Depression

My nom de plume is slightly incorrect.  I am Happy TO BE in Vermont, not necessarily happy.  I honestly don’t know when I have ever been happy.  Don’t get me wrong, I have happy moments; even happy days.  They are generally far between.

A couple of weeks ago I was made miserable by a door – my neighbor’s front door to be exact.  It is a very nice door.  I think it has six window panes and it seems pretty solid.  I’ve knocked on it a couple of times out of necessity, though, not because I wanted to.  I hate that door.  I avoid looking at that door when I walk by.  If I could, I’d kick that door, hard.

That door, you see, has become the physical symbol of how utterly unimportant I am.

President Obama's trip to Canada

I’ve been watching Canadian coverage of President Obama’s daytrip to Canada.  I chose CTV this morning largely because MSNBC and CNN were in commercial break at about the time that Obama arrived at the Ottawa International Airport.  I stayed with CTV because the coverage was very interesting.

Lounge – Even-numbered Presidents versus Odd-numbered Presidents

I hate odd numbers.  I will go to almost any length to avoid them.  Odd-numbered TV channels are tolerated because I don’t have a choice.  I was greatly relieved when my new television didn’t have numbers next to the level of volume.  I only do even numbers of sit-ups, curls, etc.  I only do the elliptical for an even amount of time.

The only exceptions are 1 and 5, and sometimes 7.  1 because you can’t get to the other numbers without going through it.  And, 5 because I do like to count by 5s.  I’ll tolerate 7 if I have to because it is a nice straight-line kind of number.

I hate the fact that it is 2009 but love the fact that Obama is the 44th president, which got me thinking.  If we looked at the “good” and “bad” presidents how many would be even-numbered and how many would be odd-numbered.

President Obama: Kickin' Ass

Tonight President Obama spoke in front of House Democrats in Williamsburg, VA.  Thanks to a heads-up from a diarist at DKos I was able to watch it live on CSPAN.  If you missed it, you need to watch it.

This was Obama at his campaign best.  He smacked the GOP around, all the while keeping a smile on his face.

It's Official

You can skip all the states that start with "A." The best part comes at about the 24 minute mark as Cheney is forced to give the results. 🙂