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Troopergate Report Diary – Busted! [UPDATED x7]

[UPDATE 4] 9:28pm  The report is out, and in brief it says: [sic]”She definitely did abuse power and break trust with the people, but we don’t recommend a criminal investigation.”

What this means is that those of her base will continue to be excited by what a Mavericky Maverick she is, and those on the fence will have yet another reason to question every word that comes out of her mouth.

She broke the public trust and abused the power of her office.

Expect the MSM to talk about this all weekend in between discussing how much the GOP has hosed the economy.


The “Troopergate” report on Governor Palin’s abuse of power is in the hands of the Legislative Council right now.  They got their hands on the 200+ page report and 600+ pages of backup documentation this morning at 9am local time (1pm ET).


I am going to keep tabs on this and update this diary as events unfold.

AIP draft

Vogler’s greatest moment of glory was to be his 1993 appearance before the United Nations to denounce United States “tyranny” before the entire world and to demand Alaska’s freedom. The Alaska secessionist had persuaded the government of Iran to sponsor his anti-American harangue.

That’s right … Iran. The Islamic dictatorship. The taker of American hostages. The rogue nation that McCain and Palin have excoriated Obama for suggesting we diplomatically engage. That Iran.

AIP leaders allege that Vogler, who was murdered that year by a fellow secessionist, was taken out by powerful forces in the U.S. before he could reach his U.N. platform. “The United States government would have been deeply embarrassed,” by Vogler’s U.N. speech, darkly suggests Clark. “And we can’t have that, can we?”  

Palin Failin’ on Troopergate

Sarah Palin has seen better days.  Heck, she’s seen better weeks, better months and – by the time this VP mis-choice is over – better years.

Troopergate just went nukular.

“In Dozens of Calls, Palins and Aides Pressed for Trooper’s Removal” NYT


Palin Failin’ Alaska’s Poor

Mudflats has a piece on Sarah Palin’s unmitigated failure to do anything for the grinding poverty of Alaska’s rural citizens.  Josh, a former teacher in rural Alaska, writes:

We became very close with a family in our village that had a child drown in a steel container of raw sewage. Let me say that again. They had a child drown in a steel container of raw sewage. Their child was simply outside playing and since there is no playground equipment for the kids to play on, they play on anything, often things too dangerous for children. In this case it was something commonly referred to as a “honey bucket.” This is a steel container where house sewage is dumped since there is no indoor plumbing.


A Tale of Two Rallies

Two rallies were held this weekend in Alaska.  One, for the McCain-Palin ticket.  The other: Obama-Biden.

Which one got more support by about a four-to-one margin?


Florida, eh?

The New York Times is reflecting what I see here on the ground:

Jim Piccillo lost his job as a bank vice president in August, applied for food stamps to support his two young daughters and swore off a life of loyalty to the Republican Party. He now volunteers here in Pasco County for Senator Barack Obama of Illinois.

The Palin Drag Chute

With four weeks to go, John McCain still can’t draw a crowd by himself and the person who can fill a stadium – Sarah Palin – scares everyone who isn’t madly in love with her.

Isn’t she the American Everywoman?  Isn’t she the Classic Military Mom?  Isn’t she Maverick coming to save the day?

Apparently, she’s none of the above.