Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Media Gone Wild!

This week, some in the mainstream media and blog-world have illustrated that omitting facts in its reporting about Israel has become more than commonplace.

The story in question revolves around two Palestinian families who were evicted from the homes they had lived in East Jerusalem for the past 50 years. The headlines declared “A bid to turn East Jerusalem into a unified Jewish Jerusalem”, “Outrage at East Jerusalem evictions”, “EU protests evictions of Palestinians from east Jerusalem” “Clinton slams Israel for evicting Arab families from East Jerusalem” and more.

Karma's a Bitch.

Note: I originally wrote this one year ago and yet – it still seems more timely than ever.

With last week GM reporting a $15.5 billion loss in the second quarter, it is quite clear that American car manufactures are getting their come-uppance. published a list of the top 10 most efficient 2008 sedans available.  They ranked the cars based on EPA fuel economy numbers.  And sweet moses would you guess that not one from an American manufacturer made the list!  Even the Wall Street Journal, not known for its criticism to big business, has sharp words about American car manufacturers.

Holocaust Shtick.

(cross posted at kickin it with cg)

In what can only be described as bizarre, comedian Roseanne Barr and Heeb Magazine have created some controversy surrounding a recent interview and photo shoot.

In the shoot, Barr poses gleefully dressing as Adolf Hitler, complete with a swastika armband, pulling a tray of burnt “Jew Cookies” from an oven. Barr, a Jewish grandmother herself allegedly requested that she be dressed as the führer for the photos.

Netanyahu: Saudi Peace Initiative Can Bring Peace to the Middle East.

Both Haaretz and YNet are reporting that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday that the ‘spirit’ of 2002 Saudi peace initiative could promote comprehensive peace in the region.

The initiative, backed by all 22 members of the Arab League, offers Israel full normalization in return for a withdrawal from territory conquered in the 1967 Six Day War, a Palestinian state and an equitable solution to the Palestinian refugee problem.  


Every year, malnutrition kills five million children – that’s one child every six seconds.  Many do not get the milk, vitamins and minerals their developing bodies need. Furthermore, some mothers in these villages can’t produce enough milk themselves and can’t afford to buy it. Even if milk was available, its very difficult to store — there’s no electricity, so no refrigeration. Powdered milk is useless because most don’t have clean water.

However ‘Doctors Without Borders’ or ‘Médecins Sans Frontières’ believes that there is a product that can save millions of these children.  And could possibly be the most important advance ever to cure and prevent malnutrition.


Hitler? He Got Things Done.

(cross posted at kickin it with cg)

Yesterday Bernie Ecclestone, the head of Formula One, in an interview with London’s The Times newspaper, said that he preferred totalitarian regimes to democracies and praised Adolf Hitler for his ability to “get things done”

Children of Heaven.

(cross-posted at kickin it with cg)

“I think that the manifestation of our culture in terms of our identity is absolutely crucial.” Former Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin

Children of Heaven is a 1997 Iranian film by Majid Majidi. It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1998.

Thoughts and prayers.


(cross-posted at kickin it with cg)

Over the weekend as total chaos broke out in Iran one wouldn’t have known anything about it if they weren’t on the tubes. As E.D Kain writes,

if I wasn’t online, an avid blogger and reader of blogs, and if I didn’t frequent the New York Times, I wouldn’t know a damn thing about the phenomenon in Iran.  It would feel like just any other story from the “crazy Middle East.”  I wouldn’t have seen images of the streets of green-clad protestors.  I wouldn’t have seen the beatings or the fires or read the twitter feeds or the first hand accounts.  I wouldn’t have seen the youtube videos.  And lest it be forgotten, the news most people receive if they receive any at all is from their televisions.