We use the term Jim Crow to refer to a time when the laws of this land and its practices were designed to oppress Black members of society. But did you know it was actually a Black people’s song and dance? How did it come to have the meaning it does?
Last night the President gave a fire breathing speech before the Congressional Black Caucus during their Foundation’s annual Phoenix awards. He had a special message for members of the CBC who have been for the last few weeks openly criticizing the President even going so far as Emmanuel Cleaver discussing that had the President been White there would have been protest marches organized against him.
The fact that for during the entire 8 years of the Bush administration and the horrors visited upon the community by him Mr. Cleaver did essentially nothing popping off to the McClatchy newspapers seemed more than a betrayal, considering the most push back they were able to organize were angry letters, it seemed cheap and displayed a stunning lack of leadership and knowledge of where we are and have been as a people in these United States. Well last night the President reminded them.
MOOOOOOOOOOOOSE! Here’s another blast from the past and an example of how I really get down when things pluck my strings. The ideas and traditions of standing up for oneself are not innate. They must be passed down and here’s a little story from last year of something we do at least 4 times a year. Get out in the street and yell at somebody!!!!!
Ever since Glenn Beck announced his plans to defile the memory of MLK with his brand of hate I’ve been announcing my intention to stand outside his corporate edifice in Los Angeles and protest the genesis of hate in this country his organization Newscorp/Fox/Rupert Murdoch.
All week long it’s been hotter than July in Los Angeles. Those days were trying very hard to give me an excuse to duck out. No one would be there but me and those I brought, It wont do anything, and why should I put peoples health at risk by standing them in the middle of a 105 degree day. So I wake up this morning and it’s overcast lovely and not even 75 degrees. So we got our behinds up and got ready to go.
This is the most exciting scientific discovery I think I’ve heard in my entire life. I left the news as a comment in open thread, but I just can’t stand the excitement. If this is true entire paradigms have to change. If this is true this could be our ticket to the stars!!!!
GENEVA (AP) — Scientists at the world’s largest physics lab say they have clocked subatomic particles traveling faster than light, a feat that – if true – would break a fundamental pillar of science.
The readings have so astounded researchers that they are asking others to independently verify the measurements before claiming an actual discovery.
“This would be such a sensational discovery if it were true that one has to treat it extremely carefully,” said John Ellis, a theoretical physicist at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, who was not involved in the experiment.
Nothing is supposed to move faster than light, at least according to Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity: The famous E (equals) mc2 equation. That stands for energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.
But neutrinos – one of the strangest well-known particles in physics – have now been observed smashing past this cosmic speed barrier of 186,282 miles per second (299,792 kilometers).
A meme ( ˈmiːm[1]) is “an idea, behaviour or style that spreads from person to person within a culture.
A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols or practices, which can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals or other imitable phenomena. Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate and respond to selective pressures
Namaste friends! Welcome to the second edition of MemeBusters Thursday. Last week we took a look at 11 dimensional chess and other incarnations of the idea that the moves made by the President are so complicated as to escape understanding, like Kabuki etc.
This week we’re going to examine the propensity for people who have just been presented with a compelling argument for acts of the President with the rebuttal: Is he your boyfriend, you worship him, get a room, get the picture? Seen it before? Let’s discuss what to do when you see it again.
Remember the rules. MemeBusters are participants! We’ll need help uncovering alternate responses; we’ll need help figuring out what to do next week. Sound like fun? Let’s begin.
Want to go back to Arizona? For the people who enjoyed the story of Sweetie and my trip the last time, here’s part 2.
When Sweetie and I left Arizona the last time after our Grand Canyon excursion something told me we would be back and soon. As we were driving out of Flagstaff the last time we were there I couldn’t get over the distinct impression that there was something more for us to see and accomplish in Arizona so when Sweetie suggested that we go back to Arizona and Sedona for their vortexes it felt like part two of the two part series.
Sweetie and I are travelers of the afternoon and evening. No matter how hard we try we can’t get out of the door before about three in the afternoon, so for a drive that should last 8 or 9 hours we almost always choose to run from the sun going and chase the sun coming home and this trip was no exception we didn’t head east in earnest until about 3:30. Sweetie is the foremost car trip outfitter in the land. When we take off for a road trip our car can feed a dinner party in luxury and entertain a room full of kids even though it’s just Sweetie and I on these trips my Boo has us prepared. We had a fabulous meal, all the munchies and sodas anyone would want, plenty of water and ice, and the Sweetie magic bag that contains everything from extra socks to the ability to almost perform surgery.
MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE! I probably should have led my diaries here with this one as way of introduction. I’ve produced a blog or 200, but this is the one I’ve always been proudest of.
My family was really started by two men, and no they weren’t gay. My Pop got a job as a computer programmer at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in around 1968 when I was four years old. This was a tremendous opportunity for him. The list of professions that a Black man could hold wasn’t that long then, and although he had secured a great job as a social worker after college computers seemed the wave of the future.
That’s where he met Jim a man who loves me like a father. He is a White man from Iowa. His eldest sibling was born in the 1800’s. He grew up on a farm the last of 15 children, I can never remember exactly how many. I think my Pop was the first Black man he ever had more than just a brief conversation with, and he is the first person I can remember that is not a member of my biological family. He and my pop shared an office and became like peas and carrots. I used to fantasize and think of them as Bill Cosby and Robert Culp from the old TV show I Spy.
Here’s a nice long story about my anniversary trip. You guys done messed around and encouraged me to do some sharing, and look out! I got 100’s of them.
August 3rd (last year : ) ) was our 25th wedding anniversary and my wife and I decided we’d go to Vegas. When we got there it was strange, but the town felt desperate, unhappy, it didn’t smell right, we weren’t feeling it. Anyway since it had been awhile since we’d gone to Vegas we decided to cruise the town, and although you could see lots of new edifices and gleaming pretty buildings it just felt icky so we just followed our bliss and hooked a right on Charlotte street and drove into red rock canyon. I’m really a city kid and although as a boy scout they let us run around the Vasquez rocks I’d never allowed myself to appreciate the natural spirituality of places like that I’d never really been in the desert. We spent the day driving around the canyon letting it impress itself on us, and when we got done and headed back into the city it occurred to us we just didn’t want to hang out. So we decided to just pack up and go to the Grand Canyon.
MOOOOOOOOSE! Still not done. You guys want to take a really fun trip?
If you’ve ever heard of the Arroyo Seco in Pasadena chances are you associate it with the Rose Bowl host to several Super Bowls and home to the Tournament of Roses football game. When they give the wide shot at those games showing the “chamber of commerce days” Pasadena is so famous for if they would just pan out a little more they would reveal another facility just north past the Brookside Golf Course and the Devils Gate dam that is the coolest facility on earth the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
I grew up a NASA kid able to mark periods of my life by the missions everyone was working on. I remember going to the public open houses, and if you live anywhere near I highly suggest you attend, but I never got the backstage tour, so when I got an e-mail last week from one of the ladies I consider one of my parents asking if I’d like to check out the Mars Science Laboratory I couldn’t say yes please fast enough.
MOOOOOOOSE! I’ll stop beginning my posts like this when I get over being so happy to be here.
A meme is “an idea, behaviour or style that spreads from person to person within a culture.
A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols or practices, which can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals or other imitable phenomena. Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate and respond to selective pressures
Namaste Friends! This will be the beginning of a continuing series I’ll conduct on Thursdays. The goal of the series will be to examine and learn to deconstruct ideas being used against the President and Democratic Party.
This is going to be an exercise where I’m going to ask for participation from the audience. I’m going to request assistance uncovering the next idea, and I’m going to request analytical help from TPV in assessing whether the counters and explanations presented will be effective.