Bush 41 and Clinton teamed up to address the National Auto Dealer’s Association conference, and H.W. brought down the house with a “joke” about one of the “ugliest” women he has ever seen.
Thank GOD that Wolf Blitzer can tell me that it was a “lighter” moment.
WOW. Now, I am not usually one to get all riled up about dumb shit like this, but I am hella pissed off about 41’s “joke” AND Bill Clinton’s response.
First, 41 thinks it’s HILARIOUS to bash the ugly angry feminist by saying that he would not fuck her, i.e. “no problem” with him staying out of her womb. Yes, 41, you’re right. We ugly angry feminists just want to fuck all you Republican asshats who want to strip us of our reproductive rights. And even better, we want to spawn with you so that you can spread your misogyny through your offspring. So be sure to continue your fight to limit access to contraceptives and abortions.
And 41, do TELL, why was it necessary to call her “one of the ugliest” women you had ever seen? Are women to be SEEN and NOT heard in your world? God forbid our appearances not cause a stirring in your loins.
Anyone else feeling really grateful right about now that 41’s offspring 43 is GONE?
As far as Bill Clinton’s follow up, it was disgraceful. Sure, he wants to “pal around” with the good ol’ boys club, but his wife Hillary just shattered the glass ceiling for women in politics. Here he is wishing he COULD tell a joke like that, but damn it all to hell, “they” would tear him to pieces. He just ain’t “got it”, whatever the hell that means. Nevermind that the joke was horribly sexist and demeaning to women. He could have walked away from it, not made a comment at all, so why didn’t he? Some overwhelming desire to be one of the boys?
So from this “ugly angry feminist” to 41, Bill, and Wolf. FUCK YOU. To 41, just to be clear for your dim-witted brain, that’s NOT an invitation.