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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Friday Coffee Hour: Check In and Hangout for the Herd

Good morning, Moosekind. TGIF! Hope it has been a good week for everyone.

  PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary!

        Recs on the weather jar comment are still welcome.

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Friday Coffee Hour and check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

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  1. iriti

    And a strangely warm one to boot – headed up to 60 today.

    My stand-up desk has arrived. Actually, it’s a sit/stand adjustable thing that goes on top of the desk. Pretty excited…I’m sitting too much at the new job; research is now showing that just standing up for 15 minutes an hour is huge in reducing the health risks of a sedentary job.

    Two day work week next week. Could get used to that!

  2. It is 32 degrees here, on its way up to 36 degrees. There is some light snow that should end after rush hour (making me glad that I do not have to drive anywhere today).

    I am having a filibluster hangover! I think I have read every happy story about the new Majority Rules rules and laughed at the angst from those who would love to nullify the elections of 2008, 2010, and 2012. While reading Twitter last night, I was reminded that there is nothing noble about the filibuster: it was used by white southern males to thwart civil rights laws and most recently it was used by white southern males to thwart our black president. Good riddance! I don’t fear, as some do, the retribution from the Republicans should they regain power. First, if this batch of Republicans were to regain power, does anyone doubt that they would have changed the rules anyway? Second, this batch of Republicans can’t regain power … 75% of the American people despise them. They can win their gerrymandered House districts for now. In 2010, in a low turnout backlash election, they won some statewide races in places they have no business winning. But they will have an uphill battle winning statewide elections in Obama states running on the tea party platform. And they will never win a national election on it. The number of people who embrace the puniness of their vision for America is shrinking, not growing.

    So, sure, Republicans may some day win the White House. They might even have both the Senate and the White House. But they will have to be reasonable Republicans and I don’t see a quick path to reasonableness, in fact the evidence suggests that they are moving right, not left. And really, opposition to the Affordable Care Act will be their Waterloo. People will not wake up January 1, 2014 saying “wow, I love my Obamacare” but with every success, more and more people will realize that for the first time ever ordinary Americans have health care security. When the Republicans run in 2014 on repealing the ACA replacing it with “Health Savings Accounts” and high-risk pools, they will be laughed at and their power will shrink further. 2016 will be a bloodbath for them electorally when the bill comes due for the damage that the 2010 Senate class did to America and another Republican governor who has to run to the right in the primaries will get crushed when he tries to Etch-a-Sketch away his words.

    Ha! A mini-post … maybe I should write about politics today. I certainly do not want to be around online for the JFK assassination retrospectives. I think it is ghoulish and talk of presidential assassinations makes me itchy.

    Have a great day, meeses.  

  3. DeniseVelez

    had a bad reaction to the travel vaccinations I got yesterday combined with flu shot – so came home from doctor – cancelled my Sunday piece, and am going to rest in bed this weekend.

  4. anotherdemocrat

    What a difference a day makes. It’s 41 degrees out. So, for tomorrow morning’s workout — longjohns & wool socks. Meanwhile, there’s today. There was heavy rain last night, but it’s just spotty now.

    Not only did I not lose weight this week, I gained 2 pounds. Sigh.

    Earworm: Yahweh by U2.

  5. bfitzinAR

    like the filibuster reform, but still very important to Washington County, AR – and such a relief to me.  We didn’t know which way it was going to go until we got that 10th vote (takes 10 votes to pass on the first reading) – then almost the whole Court (including one of the guys who voted against it) let out the breath we were holding and relaxed into our chairs.  It was one of those quiet rejoicing things.  The Judge said, “it passed” in such a quiet voice it was almost a whisper.  The Courtroom was full of TPs who came expressly to protest the budget – not that they’d been at any of the committee meetings – and they were very pissed off that they didn’t get to make their comments until after the vote.  (They had a point there – but the only one who wanted to hear them was a noob on the Court who didn’t know he could “move to hear public comments” before the vote – we won’t get away with that next year.)  Anyway, going into Thanksgiving week with some really whole-hearted thanks this year.  Have a good weekend meeses.  {{{HUGS}}} bf

  6. princesspat

    I need to remember to wear a coat….leaving the house yesterday wearing sandals and just a vest made for a chilly errand trip.

    The basement “get my stuff/life organized” project is finally reaching a point where I can tell a difference. Another car full goes to Wise Buys (the thrift shop supporting the YWCA) today. And I finally found the table linens from last years Thanksgiving so I can iron them for this year 🙂

  7. Diana in NoVa

    Gained some weight–always come home heavier after enjoying my friend’s cooking.  She gave us lunch yesterday. I’m going to the gym to see if I can work some of it off.

    Still working on getting organized for Thanksgiving. Defrosted and cleaned the little fridge, a job I hate. Going to polish the silver. We’re working on decluttering the place and putting down some area rugs. Have got to polish silver, make place cards, iron table napkins.

    Two holiday dinners, one month apart!  Groan.

    However, I’ve discovered a way to save Christmas money on stamps. We have so many relatives and friends overseas that it’s really expensive to mail cards, and besides you can’t say much on a card. So now I rattle on in a two-page e-mail that I send to our friends who have e-mail. And I can include pictures of the Pink-Cheeked Precious and other family members, which I can’t in a regular card.

    Speaking of Christmas cards, has anyone else found herself awash in unsolicited Christmas cards, some of them quite pretty? I don’t need nearly as many as I used to, but I’m going to take advantage of the ones I’ve received. I feel bad about not sending money in return, but as my late mother used to point out, I didn’t ask for these cards. And anyway, there are charities to which I contribute at this time of year–but they’re ones of my own choosing, like Children’s Hospital.

    Everyone have a good day and a great weekend!

  8. emeraldmaiden

    this weekend. One of these days, I should actually get some winter clothes! lol

    Working on getting some stuff listed on both eBay and craigslist. We’re hoping craigslist will be a boost to the service side of the vac biz.  

  9. creamer

    I was sitting in my 1st grade class, when my Teacher was called to the door by her husband (he was the custodian).

    He had a transistor radio, as he talked to her she started crying and motioned to us to be quiet. If I remember right she blurted out something about the President being shot and then went into the hall. At some point she came back in announced it in tears, and dismissed us. I don’t know how much of the news my 6 year old mind processed, but I do remember some concern that all of my authority figures were crying.

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