Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Wednesday Watering Hole: Check In & Hangout for the Herd

Good morning, Moosekind. At least it’s Wednesday morning where I am as I post this. Hopefully you’re asleep and it’s real Wednesday morning by the time you read it.

  PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary!

        Recs on the weather jar comment are still welcome.

The common Moose, Alces alces, unlike other members of the deer family, is a solitary animal that doesn’t form herds. Not so its rarer but nearest relative, Alces purplius, the Motley Moose. Though sometimes solitary, the Motley Moose herds in ever shifting groups at the local watering hole to exchange news and just pass the time.

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The morning check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

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  1. iriti

    Headed for a high of 64. Fall has fallen.

    Hope everyone has a lovely Wednesday. Get through today and you’re almost to the weekend!

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  2. 50 degrees with a expected high of 70 … perfect.

    I am going to try to ignore the news for a while this morning and give my clenched teeth a break. Nothing will happen with the Congressional impasse until next week and no amount of worrying about it will help. I considered a blog post to wade into the fray but the fray is overflowing right now. Maybe something thoughtful and erudite when it is all over … or maybe an LOL.

    Get some cash, stock up on chocolate … what more can a person do? My congresscritter is a Democrat, one of my senators is a Democrat … and the other one is a lapdog of the CruzLees so I would be wasting energy writing to him (my focus will be on replacing him in 2016).

    The grind is calling and who can resist that?

  3. jlms qkw

    the utah governor thinks obama has the authority, w/o benefit of congress, to re-open national parks.  the gov is going to let sheriffs do it.  aaaaaauuuuuugggggghhhhh.

    some commenters say that utah never ceded any land to the feds (fuck that idea) so that the governor certainly can do that.  

    State Lawmakers Work To Open Utah Parks

    The sights that attract tens of thousands every day in Utah have become hard to watch, as the state’s five national parks remain closed to tourism revenue.

    “Through no fault of their own, through no choice of their own, someone else, the federal government in this case, has said we’re going to put you out of business until we get this resolved,” said Rep. David Lifferth, R-Eagle Mountain.

    The impact of the government shutdown on local economies has forced nine counties to declare a state of local emergency and prompted Lifferth to try to prevent this from ever happening again.

    “Right now, we’ve kind of got us on the fast track to find a way to mitigate the damage that’s been done to the state of Utah by the government shutdown,” Lifferth said.

    The state lawmaker has teamed up with other legislators to draft a proposal that would allow the state to control its national parks in the event the federal government can no longer do so in the future.

  4. jlms qkw

    i turned my bed on for the first time tonight.  going back to sleep for a couple hours, i hope.  

    and the onion was funny:  onion science

    and i have so many windows open so i don’t dare open flickr and look for a cute.  

  5. Portlaw

    going up to 68. Find that I feel quite unsettled about the news. Maybe ice cream will help. Hope it’s a good day for all with all aches, pains, and worries at bay.

  6. JG in MD

    all of us Here Near DC are sad for our neighbors who work for the government. I keep hearing a sucking sound in the distance, as if something large is drowning in a bathtub.

  7. anotherdemocrat

    Eating breakfast & watching the news. The a/c guys got mixed up, but they’re definitely coming today. And I really should get some exercise today. My eye is much less twitchy -it isn’t gone, but is much better.

    Got Much Ado in the mail yesterday. Yay! May watch that this afternoon instead of working out.

  8. Diana in NoVa

    from Looney Tunes Land.

    Daughter-in-law, despite bouts of morning sickness, expressed a desire for beef stew tonight, so I need to get the stewing beef out of the freezer and start making it pretty soon.

    Niece and great-nephew are coming for coffee at 10, so must scurry round to make self and house presentable.

    Had a really good writing session last night, got all the way into scene 3!  This morning, while thoughtfully chomping toast with marmalade, I suddenly decided how the story is going to end. This is thrilling, as the whole point of a story is to show when things started to change and what happened as the result of that change.

    Like Jan, Denise, Portlaw, JG, and everyone else I’m upset and worried about the news.  It’s hard to focus. Also, I’m reading Elizabeth Smart’s new book, My Story, and seething that she was so close to being found a couple of times but yet was defeated by the respect accorded to the alleged “father as head of the family” relationship and also the respect accorded to religious practices, however bizarre. Wouldn’t you be curious if you saw two females, oddly shod, wearing filthy robes and face veils, in a public library?  I would.

    One can only hope that this courageous young woman has recovered enough to live a normal life. I’m surprised she even got married. I’d have expected her to retire to a remote nunnery in Tibet after what happened to her.

  9. Otteray Scribe

    May get up to room temperature this afternoon.

    Just hanging out. Had enough Cajun coffee to jump start my brain, so may as well do some work.

    Company is here and we will have the grandson’s first birthday party this afternoon. Not his birthday yet, but he will have gone home on the real date, Oct. 30. I am sure he will rake in loot then too.  

  10. bfitzinAR

    last night.  Partly because we deferred the transit decision for a month – it was last on the agenda because the other stuff was fairly routine, if time-consuming, and once we hit 7 pm the Chair offered us a 2nd “follow-up” meeting so she could get the heck out of there and show up for her birthday dinner and party. Thank heavens for birthdays 🙂  Transit of course isn’t going to get what it deserves, much less what they’re asking for – but I’m hoping we can get them something.  We’ll see.  With no mtg tonight I may get to walk home (or if I don’t, I may get to pick up my dry cleaning I was supposed to pick up last Saturday morning).  Hope everyone has a nice day.  {{{HUGS}}}

  11. Nurse Kelley

    All this waiting for the next shoe to drop is tiresome. I find I have little to contribute to the discussion because I think the country has been hijacked by terrorists. They’re in the cockpit with the pilots, holding guns to their heads, and the rest of us are helpless passengers.

    I have no answers; hell, I don’t even know what questions to ask. I’m reminded of the economic crash in 2008-2009 when we all stared at the market tickers for days with our fingers in our mouths, watching our meager savings disappear. Then, at least, I never doubted that my little social security deposit would arrive on the second Wednesday of every month.

    Was today the last deposit? It feels like hysteria to even type that last sentence….

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