Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics


  1. wordsinthewind

    our animal friends leave such big holes in hearts, so glad that you had 15 happy years together.  

  2. LeftOverFlowerChild

    I hope the memories of the 15 loving years you and Merlin shared will give your heart comfort now.  

  3. Nurse Kelley

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    {{{{Michele}}} I’m so sorry about this. When you said this morning that he was losing weight fast, I hoped it would be hyperthyroidism. That last mile with our pets is the hardest.

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  4. Ebby

    Such a sudden loss for you.  Merlin was a beautiful boy.  I hope with time the years of good memories will far outweigh the pain of losing him.

  5. bfitzinAR

    I had a Merlin – he crossed The Bridge 6 years ago at 12 (complications from diabetes).  Scotty went 2 years ago at 15 (kidney failure) and Aurora went 6 weeks ago at 15 (pancreatic cancer).  The last few weeks with an elderly and ailing are just hard.  Comfort yourself that you didn’t force him to suffer – and smile at the good memories from when he was healthy.

  6. Miep

    Not sure what species of person you are burying here, but I’ll offer this:

    I have two dogs and two cats, all rescues. I rescued my border collie Casey in 2007 when he was about one, my border collie-Great Pyrenees mix Falcor last year when he was about three, and the two cats, who are still really kittens at nine months, at about five weeks when they and their three siblings and two half-brothers were relinquished to our local shelter, all with bad upper respiratory tract infections.

    I’d been talking to our local shelter manager here in Carlsbad NM (who totally rocks) about helping out during “kitten season.”

    I wound up with seven of these people for some months. We got the two older boys neutered and adopted and later we got the five who came in as tiny people all spayed and neutered, plus basic shots, when the volumteer medical van came down from Santa Fe, and three of those kits got adopted too. I still feel a link to them. They are all Somebody.

    I decided to keep Charlotte because she was so different and resistant and I was worried no one would want her because she would just yell at them.

    I am different and resistant. Then I decided to keep Jess, who would  make a great blog moderator if she was human, because she is so easy and nice. I figured Charlotte, who I now consider to be my familiar, should have company.

    Okay, so current tally is two rescue dogs…and I didn’t even begin to get into how they have won my hearts, and now all this history and love and caring about seven abandoned sick kittens, every one of adopted whom would be welcome if he or she ever showed up here, abandoned, fed, taken in – the ones adopted out.

    That’s being a foster for me. I offer you this as a tribute for everyone who understands that they are people. Not humans, no more than we are canines or felines or avians.

    But people, all the same.

    You have my deepest condolences for your loss.

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