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Motley Monday Check in and Mooselaneous Musings

Good morning Motley Meese! Hope your weekend was lovely. Remember to let your peeps know where you are!

We break today from our normal Monday format to commiserate with those who had a truly wonderful St. Patrick’s Day yesterday and are regretting it today. Plus, it gives me an excuse to practice a new skill!

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The morning check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

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It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

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And now, on with the show!

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  1. iriti

    32 and snowy here, but nowhere predictions have dropped down to 2-4 inches. I can live with that. But I’m still ready for Spring!!

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  2. Khloe

    20 degrees outside with a wind chill of 8. Rain/snow headed in this direction for today.

    My little town was wonderfully quiet last night. The annual weekend St. Paddy’s Weekend Fest my town throws was a huge success. Lots of money for the local economy, and more then lots of hangovers.

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  3. I honestly don’t know what jello shots are. I just know that it mentions jello and I’m not fond of food that jiggles. LOL

    If I’m only semi coherent it’s because I haven’t slept yet. arrrgghhh

  4. DeniseVelez

    helpings of corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and shortbread so I didn’t have to cook Sunday – yay!

    20 degrees here in Saugerties – bad weather (ice and snow) on the way for this evening.

    Headed off to class in about an hour or so.  We’re going to have a fun discussion of folk superstitions/beliefs starting with “what’s lucky?”

    Now to find where I hid my four-leaf clover 😉

  5. Your hovers are great, iriti!

    25 degrees here in Madison WI. Expected high of 33 degrees and some snow showers, not expected to amount to much.

    And in honor of Monday, I will go try to go do some work.  

  6. Portlaw

    eight degrees and thinking of rain and snow. Feeling a bit slow today. Too much wining and dining yesterday! Heading for Starbucks for a triple espresso. It usually works.  

  7. Ebby

    Love your hovers, iriti!  It’s still “dark o’clock” here on the left coast, but at least I’m here with under 30 comments for a change. 🙂  You have to get up pretty early to keep up with the Meeses!

    Off to work — take it easy, everyone.

  8. wishing nchristine well on her first morning of her new job.

    It’s about 30 out and headed all the way up to 35. Not windy now headed all the way up to quite windy. Completely clouded over now, and likely to stay that way. Of course it is DARK out, so it doesn’t matter if it’s cloudy now or not…

    Lots of stuff on the list for the day, always plenty to do. One priority is to finish planning accommodations for trip to Glacier NP and Banff NP in July. We have the Glacier end done but not for after we head north.

    Have a lovely, everyone!

  9. Diana in NoVa

    There’s an inch on the ground already; it’s sticking to roofs, cars, and grass, but not the roads very much.  Looks like a perfect morning to stay home and write.

    Today’s hubby’s day to work at the airport, so I can go to the gym after he returns.  I hate to leave Monty Beagle on the back porch in this weather, even though he has a nice little igloo to stay in.

    Far too much celebrating this weekend–not drink, but Irish food–but it was fun.  Back to the diet today.

    Have a good day, moosekind!

  10. nchristine

    leave extra early, just in case – there’s some weird drivers out there.

    Thanks for the well wishes.  Excited and nervous for my first day.  Pepper, dad’s dog, isn’t going to be amused when I leave and don’t come back within a couple of hours….. oh well, she’ll live and I’ll give her an extra treat.

  11. anotherdemocrat

    Our high today is going to be 88, with perfect blue skies. Please remember that we pay for this weather with 100 degree summers. And we’d actually love some rain. Our lakes are 20 or so feet low. The weather people have a 20% chance of it later in the week when a front comes through, lowering our highs to the 70s, but I think they’re being optimistic.

    I packed both gym stuff & swimming stuff in my gym bag. I really need to get a swim in. My complex has a small outdoor pool, and today would be great for it. If only I didn’t hate swimming. But I won’t improve if I don’t swim. And if I’m doing 3 triathlons this year, I better improve my swimming.

  12. slksfca

    Still waking up from a weirder-than-usual dream in which I kept plastic tubes as pets and they grew up to misbehave badly. Whaaaat? :-/

    San Francisco weather:


    Current: Clear

    Wind: W at 6 mph

    Humidity: 80%

    Today’s high will be in the upper 50s I think.

    Have a great week, everyone!

  13. pittiepat

    all night too.  Still cloudy, but temperature will probably inch its way to the mid-40s.  Wish there was some way to push all that snow you guys on the east coast are getting back to Colorado.  They didn’t get much again and there have already been fires on eastern side of the state. Colorado Springs had enough fire last year to last them forever.

  14. wordsinthewind

    and quite warm, at least it’s not humid. We’re done with record breaking heat for a while and there is a good possibility for rain this week. We had corned beef and cabbage with potatoes yesterday with friends, I tried michelewin’s soda bread recipe and it was the best I’ve ever made. I’ve tried a new recipe every year and now I have a keeper, even the version without raisens was good. Our friend is horrified by them which I find funny but still needing respect so I made one without for her.

  15. but this is a big deal in my family life — Son’s Air Force commitment is a minimum of 10 years, so longer than most marriages last.

    ANYWAY, it is 2 months from TODAY until his commissioning. Time flies…

  16. slksfca

    I’m not a big fan of so-called “jukebox musicals,” but this one was really good (I saw the first national tour a few years back). For those who don’t know, it tells the story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, using their own music. I had forgotten how much that group’s music served as soundtrack for my childhood, and by the end of the show was swaying and clapping right along with the rest of the audience. I doubt I’ll go see it again due to the expense involved, but I’d sure like to.

  17. slksfca

    Sky outside is a lovely deep, dark blue, up from the black of just minutes ago (and lightening by the moment). Everything looks very serene outside just now, and while I’m glad not to be out in the chill, I do love having windows. 🙂

    Meanwhile, I’m already on my third cup of coffee. Dang, I need to see about getting a bigger mug!

  18. slksfca

    …this should be the hundredth comment here this morning. I won’t go so far as to yell “SNECK!!1!11!” but I can’t, on the other hand, allow the event to go unremarked. 😉

  19. Kind of drippy out there. Had the family over for St. Patrick’s Day dinner last night. I can’t believe how a triple batch of salsa disappeared. Did two loads of dishes last night and have one more load to do this morning. Learned something important last night when your skin is really dry and flaky and you scratch you hands a lot to stop them itching you really should wear gloves before prepping 6 jalapeno peppers. My hands were red, swollen, and burning like crazy. Fortunately I always keep cortisone cream handy.

    Did you know that if Jupiter were as close to us as our moon this is what we would be seeing in our sky?

    Jupiter Rising photo JupiterRising-1_zps8043f5fc.jpg

  20. princesspat

    And a clock that says pool time, now! Good morning everyone….reading the thread was great fun today.

  21. slksfca

    …I just got a call from the P/T and she’s coming by at 2PM, and if I don’t nap NOW I’ll be asleep when she rings the bell.

    Have fun, everyone!

  22. Pam from Calif

    Grumble grumble just got back from the dentist.  I have a ton of major dental work needed.  Horrible no good rotten teeth. Perhaps I should just have them all yanked out and be done with them.  Ok rant over.

    Enjoy a tune.

    Peggy Lee – It’s a Good Day

  23. slksfca

    And she says I’m doing so well that they might cut down my hip precaution period (no bending over, etc.) from 12 weeks to 8 weeks. Yay!

    On the downside, my napping plans were kiboshed by the renovations going on next door. Lots of clanging and shouting today. I hope they get done quickly!

  24. nchristine

    and very tired!!  Y’all were very talkative today.

    The first day went very well.  It went by very quickly.  It’s going to be interesting!!  I think my brain is temporarily revolting on me right now though….

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