Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Moose or Meese?

I found my way over here so I guess it would be polite to say hi. So hi everybody. I was looking at my art models to see if I have any moose or meese but all I have is mice or mousies. I’ll have to work on that.

I have been working a lot on art. After the horror of last year I just wasn’t able to do as much art as I used to. With Christopher Garcia wanting my artwork for his award winning Drink Tank on line fanzine I started being inspired to do more art. He goes more for space art and science fiction so I am in essence going back to my roots. I’ve also started writing again and did my first fantasy short story since 2007.

I’m glad that the creative juices are flowing again because I was really starting to burn out. Courtesy Kos made me an Admin and want me to help try and fight the problems over at the Great Orange Satan but I’m so tired of the nonsense that I’m not sure what good I can do but I guess I’ll have to try. I am hoping to write more over here where it is saner though because there is just so much that a person can cope with.

Stelth Fighter photo StelthFighter_zps46a31c23.jpg


  1. Moose like art, and we’re pretty fond of short stories (or really, really long and boring ones).

    Moose can’t draw (no thumbs), so anything artistical you can add is appreciated immensely.

    You can help with moderation by being, um, moderate when appropriate and saying soothing things to others, but aside from that you can chill and let those of us too stupid to refuse defuse abuse.

    Welcome to the Moose, JanF was tending bar last I noticed so wander back there and order what you like. Kysen is buying.


  2. Kysen

    I’m looking forward to seeing your art work here and feel free to write to your heart’s content. Any topic that interests you…is bound to interest other Moose.

    From our very beginnings, the Moose has fostered an environment geared towards common courtesy and civil discourse. We’ll not brook the blatant disregard of either (nor will we put up with more subtle heedlessness for long).

    We are far from perfect…but we are earnest in our intents.

    We also don’t take ourselves too seriously…that alone goes a very long way in keeping the Moose peace. /grin


    Welcome, again…hope you stick around (check out the Insider’s Guide to Motley Moose for some of the unwritten rules and traditions of the Moose).


  3. I love sharing my art so you will probably see a lot of it. Unfortunately there probably won’t be any Mooses in the art until someone at DAZ comes up with a model. Just finished working on this one this morning.

    Safe in the Storm New photo SafeintheStorm_zpsda71f9d2.jpg

    As for short stories I have them on my website here. Working on the second of the new series now.

  4. weatherdude

    I don’t much care for the other place anymore. Haven’t commented in almost two weeks and I have no desire to start again anytime soon. Once the powers that be start caring, I might start again, too.  

  5. As for the Moose plural – sadly it’s not Meese or Mooses, but like fish and sheep, the same as the singular.

    However, the good news is that Aji told us the name derives from the original native American word: Mooz. The plural of Mooz is Moozog.

    Hope that helps, but glad to see you on the Moose. I hope you stick around and make it your home.  

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