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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics


  1. HappyinVT

    Will that push Florida into the GOP column?  Romney is, at the moment, getting crushed with the Latino vote ~ does he expect a la McCain/Palin that Rubio helps there?  Does Rubio help there in any way that counts?

    Romney’s also, at the moment, getting crushed with women.  Is there a viable female candidate or has the GOP learned that lesson?  Would Romney even think of offering Palin another go-round?  Apparently she’s more popular with conservative voters than any of the current candidates.  But the world knows the rest of us hate her.

    I’ve seen Sandoval of NV bandied about although I vaguely recall a reason that wasn’t likely but I don’t remember what it is.

    I wonder if Romney’s etch-a-sketch can conjure up the best candidate.

  2. then he doesn’t need Ryan or Daniels for economic cred. I don’t think Christie would do it unless he thought there was a really good chance of winning. Jeb? Meh… I doubt he’d be interested in playing second fiddle. That only leaves Rubio on your list. I think he’d help win Florida. The GOP might think he’d help with Latinos in other states, but I doubt that will turn out to be the case. OTOH, he is fairly handsome so he might help with the some women voters.

    I don’t know who Romney will choose, but I’ll be surprised if its someone like Pawlenty or Huntsman. Mitt will have to boost his wingnut creds or go for a Hispanic or woman. He could also pick Herman Cain. They might think choosing an AA veep candidate would take away any advantage the Prez gets for being black.

  3. fogiv

    …and he’ll help ‘mom jeans’ with the right leaning cubano vote in florida, but not much with latinos elsewhere.  if rubio gets the nod, the trayvon martin situation might be used against him there in florida.

    Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush was not the only prominent Florida official to back Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law, despite repeated warnings that it would be seen as a “license to kill” by gunmen like the Sanford, Florida, neighborhood watchman who stands accused of slaying teenager Trayvon Martin.

    The rising Republican star of Florida legislature at the time, a young state representative from West Miami who in the next session would become the speaker of the state House, actively supported the “Stand Your Ground” proposal.

    That legislator, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, is now being boomed by Jeb Bush for a place on the Republican ticket as the party’s 2012 vice presidential nominee.

    Rubio served in the legislature as an ally of the National Rifle Association and a member of the American Legislative Exchange Council, the shadowy group funded by the Koch Brothers to craft and promote passage of measures such as the “Stand Your Ground” law. In reviewing Rubio’s tenure, the Miami Herald noted that: “Rubio had an ‘A’ rating by the National Rifle Association. Rubio voted for major NRA priorities such as a 2005 ‘castle doctrine’ law allowing people to use deadly force if attacked in their home or any place a person ‘has a right to be.’ Rubio also supported a 2008 law allowing most employees to bring guns to work, as long as they held a concealed weapons license and kept the gun in their cars.”

    near as I can tell the gop is avoiding the situation entirely (save stupid foot-in-mouth punditry) — romney’s totally dodging questions about trayvon.  fucking wimp.  it’s another major screw up for them.  this incident is going to change america…i really believe it’s that big.

    obama says ‘people have to do some soul searching’.  goddamn, if trayvon’s murder doesn’t cause EVERYONE to soul search…well, then you have no soul.

  4. Strummerson

    Romney has been hammering away at the necessity of hands-on, private sector business experience for understanding and fixing the economy.  Rubio has ZERO private sector experience.  From Law school to government.  If Romney thinks it viable to place him a heart-beat away from the presidency at THIS historical juncture, then that experiential knowledge is clearly unnecessary, or he’s being irresponsible.  He undercuts himself either substantially, ethically, or both.  But if his central rationale is expertise in business that can only be gained from direct experience, doesn’t he need to pick someone who has spent at least SOME time in the private sector?

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