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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics


  1. dirkster42

    with the climate careening out of control, I have a hard time seeing much hope for anything.  It’s just mitigating damage from here on out.  I suppose staving the bleeding is always good, though.

    I might be in a better mood if the Pats had won yesterday.

    Oh well, the Komen debacle’s been amusing, at least.

    Been getting caught up on Genesis of late.  It’s interesting as a study in tracing the shift from matrilineal structures to patrilineal structures.  The two systems bump up against each other so visibly.  The $1,000,000,000,000 question is, when and how was it written?  Theories galore, some better than others.  Interesting, too, that there’s been a kind of hundred year cycle with regard to implications of that question.  Late nineteenth-century scholars assumed the text just gives us information about where people were at at the time they wrote it, mid twentieth-century scholarship assumed that we could correlate the stories fairly well to what we were learning about the ancient near east at the time (and this assumption also informs Savina Teubal’s matriarchal reconstruction of Sarah as a priestess), and now we’re back to pretty much treating everything at least up to David as pure myth.

    You did say this was an open thread, right?

  2. HappyinVT

    I do know that the more people learn about Romney the less they like him.  He’s also lagging behind Santorum in the MN polls (primary is tomorrow) as much as 11 points in the latest poll I saw.

    Another poll showed folks overwhelmingly favor Obama’s foreign policy.  Romney keeps hyping possible war with Iran folks will never support him.

    And now Romney would defund PP; guess he didn’t get the message from SGK’s fiasco.

  3. HappyinVT

    I had to work when FLOTUS came a month or so ago (couldn’t afford to get in to see her anyway). But the president is coming on a Friday when I’m off anyway so I don’t have to use a ::cough, cough:: sick day.

    (And I was a bit miffed that he didn’t come to Vermont after Irene; the southern part of the state got smacked around pretty good.  He managed to make it to New Jersey but not any further north.  A bit annoying but … POTUS IS COMING TO MY HOMETOWN AT THE END OF THE MONTH!)

  4. When the right wing exploded about this story I exploded too.  How could they be so fast to think our FLOTUS is that kind of person.  Their desire to paint her as a hypocrite running before anything called decency they wailed about Mrs. Obama and her shopping trip.  Well guess what?

    Further to our article “First Lady’s luxury buys boost Agent Provocateur” (Jan 30), we would like to make clear that the “shopping spree” involving Her Highness Sheikha Moza and Michelle Obama that we referred to in fact never occurred, and that Her Highness has never been shopping with Mrs Obama, at Agent Provocateur or otherwise, and has never sought to have any part of New York closed off to enable her to shop undisturbed. We apologise for the distress and embarrassment this article caused

    Why do I feel their apology insincere?  

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