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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

When in the Course of Human Events

It has become necessary for me to write a small treatise regarding events happening this hour in Egypt.

This is necessary because several prominent Republican politicians and short-sighted pessimists have recently stated that the United States should officially support an authoritarian regime in Cairo over one chosen by the people. This comes as no surprise from folks who might believe that the rest of the world exists to supply us with oil and cheap goods; to follow through on such advice would be nothing short of continued disaster in this century for the United States.

Slavery is over. Oppression is not acceptable. Authoritarianism is no longer tolerable.

“Stability” is not a form of government. “Stability” will not feed a family or provide jobs for the hopeless. “Stability” cannot ensure the dead a proper burial or children a proper education.

All peoples, no matter where they breathe, have the right to freedom. All peoples, no matter where they reside, have a right to choose their government–free from tyranny or oppression; free from threats or intimidation; free from outside influence or inner inhibitions.

To deny this birthright is to deny the very essence of America, and the very promise of the twenty-first century.

We may not like the outcome of the people’s choice in some nations–we may disagree vehemently with the way their customs are carried out. We may feel threatened by what they stand for or their control over resources that we covet. Yet our call as a people is not to judge, but to love. Greater men have died in protection of this truth, this fundamental acceptance; we shall not allow it to perish from this earth so easily in our lifetimes.

The people of Egypt will choose their own government. Maybe they will get it right the first time; perhaps not. If they err, maybe they will be able to change in a few years; perhaps it will take several painful decades. This timeline and these decisions are not for us to choose.

Our call is to be the example–to stand for what is right and to practice it, daily, without pretension and without attempting to impose our will on a sovereign people. The powers of governance in Egypt are not ours to decide, but rather, are “[derived]…from the consent of the governed.”

We shall not toss aside the patient suffering of a people for our own material benefit. Egyptian problems have Egyptian solutions; when all people realize that they truly hold the authority, then we shall move towards a more secure world and a more just planet.

The world will not exist in “stability” until all men and women are free. On this day, then, we stand with the people of Egypt.


  1. We cannot stand with either side in this.

    The US supports the protesters, we taint that movement in the eyes of many–including the Jihadists and Fundamentalists who are quite interested in the fall of a secular government. There will be backlash against any overt support.

    There is likewise backlash against the US for support of the regime in more than token words.

    We cannot support any side in this–and there are several. This is not as simple a matter of organized resistance, but an upwelling of dissatisfaction among many groups. Until this sorts itself out, we cannot side with anyone.

    Respecting Egyptian sovereignty is paramount. Right now, that is the legal government. Reformed, we make our negotiations with the new government. But, ultimately, we need to stay the heck out, and the Egyptian people make their choice.

    There is too nasty a taste in folks’ mouths with the interference the US has had in affairs in the Middle East. Between Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Israel, our presence in any sort of support in Egypt only gives fuel to the fire, and will spur on forces to react against anyone we support.

    Ultimately, our hands are tied in this, if we want to respect any sort of rule of law, or the claims we make in supporting the sovereignty of the nations of the Middle East.  

  2. And maybe I’m also just feeling a little more relaxed these days.

    You had some really big changes to handle. Now you’ve had time to get used to living in Sodom and Gomorrah and settled in on the new job.  

  3. Jjc2008

    this reason:  I DO WANT PEACE but what we did in Afghanistan in the 80s still sticks in my craw.  We gave weapons to Osama and friends to help us end the USSR’s army taking the country.   We succeeded in being friendly with fundamentalists who then took over the country.  Who suffered? Mostly the women and children from the poorest classes.  The middle class and upper class women got out of there mostly because hey knew.

    I don’t what the answer is. I do believe that people have the right to choose their own government. I believe in the right of a people to determine their future but the what if’s bother me.  What if only one group gets to make that decision…like only the men.  What if it becomes another fundamentalists theocracy, where women have no rights, no votes?   I don’t think this will happen in Egypt from what I am hearing.  But one never knows and these situations often get me to that place of “I don’t know the answer.”  Does the right to self govern include the right to enslave one gender?  

    I know Israel is often dislike by progressives for being too aggressive.  I wish I was more of an expert but I am not. I dislike their turn to conservative, to the right as much as I hate it here.  At the same time, it is still a secular government.  Compare that to some other places.  

    As a female I am always torn about how we end up caught in this conundrum…..stay out, none of our business, not our right to help even if women and children are being victimized, abused, have no rights because of some fundamentalist mentality.

    Not saying I have any answers. I DO NOT. Not saying any of this can or will happen.  I just get all upset about what happens when respecting the rights of a people to self govern if they want a totally oppressive, conservative, hate mongering fundamental theocracy.

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