Good morning, Moosekind. TGIF!
PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary! Recs on the weather jar comment are still welcome. |
Good morning, Moosekind. TGIF!
PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary! Recs on the weather jar comment are still welcome. |
Robert Carter III, you may ask? Who in the world was he and why should we care?
Well, I’ll tell you why we should: February is black history month, the month during which we should all reflect on the contributions that black Americans have made to this nation of ours and on the suffering our black brothers and sisters have endured. Robert Carter III is part of that history, for by his Deed of Gift in 1791 Carter–the richest man in the colony of Virginia–made clear his intention to free more than 450 slaves, more than the total number of slaves owned by his neighbors George Washington and Thomas Jefferson combined.
What do you require to get moving in the morning? Coffee, or worse?
How many things do you own that have to be plugged in? What are they?
Are you a birder? What are your favorite birds?
The Twitter Emitter
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if the pressure of alliterative humour wasn't weighing him down?
— Sixth Form Poet (@sixthformpoet) February 12, 2014
Once upon a time, some well-intentioned grownup said 'follow your bliss' to young Jeffrey Dahmer.
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) February 12, 2014
This Valentine’s Day, get women what they really need – more representation in government. #WhatWomenNeed
— Mark Takano (@RepMarkTakano) February 12, 2014
Bob Jones University: we have to cover this rape thing up because of Jesus.
— ยก Terry ! Candy Saga (@shortstack81) February 12, 2014
"Oh, what do you mean we should have civil rights laws? If you didn't want to be arrested & held w/o trial should have been a millionaire!"
— Yung Dim Summa (@yeloson) February 12, 2014
Clarence Thomas: 'I didn't notice ANY racism in the '60s. But then again, I did spend my time dropping acid and watching Swedish porn"
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) February 13, 2014
Valentine's week winter storm mean so much screwing in the south. Big GOP demographic advantage coming up.
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) February 13, 2014
Maine Gov. Paul LePage to veto bill increasing access to a lifesaving anti-overdose medication because of concerns that people might live.
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) February 13, 2014
Been out of the country for a while, How's Darrel Issa's hearing into the George Washington Bridge tie-up going?
— kara vallow (@teenagesleuth) February 13, 2014
BREAKING: Borders overrun by lazy, mooching immigrants after Obama raises minimum wage to $10.10 for federal contact workers.
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) February 13, 2014
Ray Nagin is guilty of corruption and taking bribes, so obviously Obama must be too. It's just logic, sheeple!
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) February 13, 2014
Federal DC offices are closed tomorrow. Forecast calls for significant accumulation of conservative government-is-worthless tweets.
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) February 13, 2014
Make sure you let your peeps
know where to find you!
PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary Fierces on the Weather Critter Comment are |
When it comes to newer music, are you open minded, or are you the “Get off my lawn!” type?
What is the best Girl Scout cookie?
What is the first thing you see in the morning? Same as the last thing at night?
The Twitter Emitter
I like when the guys who keep talking about white pride are the ones that make other Caucasians embarrassed to be white.
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) February 9, 2014
Rand Paul: "People shouldn't be bullied by government. Except when we call them moochers, sluts or abominations against God, of course."
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) February 10, 2014
The GOP doesn't hate women guys, it just thinks they should be held responsible for their husbands' misdeeds.
— Danielle Candy Saga (@DCPlod) February 10, 2014
Breaking: Traffic around Atlanta at a standstill due to 3 inches of preemptive road salt.
— Bill Harnsberger (@BillinPortland) February 11, 2014
Bread makes it snow. Stop buying it.
— David Waldman (@KagroX) February 11, 2014
So @SarahPalinUSA turned 50 today. Finally, her age matches her IQ.
— Steve Marmel (@Marmel) February 11, 2014
Dear terrorists: All you have to do to start poisoning our water with complete impunity is become corporate executives. #Maddow
— Ali Davis (@Ali_Davis) February 12, 2014
Actual birds go extinct all the time and no one cares but Flappy Bird goes extinct and holy shit, let's all panic.
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) February 12, 2014
The most common way people give up their power is thinking they have none.
— Amber Worthy (@AWorthyNews) February 12, 2014
Good morning, Moosekind.
PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary! Recs on the weather jar comment are still welcome. |
The common Moose, Alces alces, unlike other members of the deer family, is a solitary animal that doesn’t form herds. Not so its rarer but nearest relative, Alces purplius, the Motley Moose. Though sometimes solitary, the Motley Moose herds in ever shifting groups at the local watering hole to exchange news and just pass the time.
(photo of some of my fellow travelers from the bus)
I traveled down to Raleigh, NC for the Moral March on Saturday Feb. 8th with a bus load (and two vans) of folks, organized by the Kairos Center, Poverty Initiative, at Union Theological Seminary.
We left at around 6:30 AM on Friday for the 10 plus hour drive south. It was a wonderfully diverse group – black, white, brown, red and yellow, young, old, straight and LBGT. There were union organizers, members of Picture the Homeless, Domestic Workers United, Occupy Faith NYC , seminary students, and more.
On the bus we each introduced ourselves and said a little bit about why we were going and who were the people who we felt had lifted us and inspired us to be there that day.
People shared the names of teachers, mentors, movement activists, and their parents.
We sang together.
I am not a photographer. My seatmate on the bus, Resa Jones is, and you can see her inspiring photos in her stream.
I took snapshots with my cheap Cannon, and wanted to share them with you today.
When we arrived in Raleigh, our first stop was at Community UCC church of Raleigh where a dinner was waiting for us.
Then we headed over to a mass meeting and worship service at Abundant Life Christian Center, to hear some rousing speeches, and song. Then back on the bus to the Martin Street Baptist Church, where we would unroll our bedrolls to sleep that night.
The next morning we gathered at Shaw University for a rally at 9:30 AM.
And then we marched.
The crowd grew and grew, and there was no way to tell how many of us were there, but later USA Today said we were 80 to 100 thousand!
You can see the size of the crowd in this video, which shows the marchers, and you can hear the end of Dr. Rev. William Barber’s speech.
When I remembered I had a camera, I got it out and snapped pics of the signs people were carrying, which reflect the breadth of the coalition that was gathered there.
Follow me below the fold, and I’ll let the pictures continue telling the story.
Found on the Internets …
Walmart’s Labor Practices Backfire
“Walmart U.S.’s relentless focus on costs does seem to have taken some toll on in-store conditions and stock levels,” the note says in regards to understaffing. “[O]ur store visits over the last six months show a repeating pattern of stocking issues in many departments in the store.” When products aren’t on the shelves, that means Walmart can’t sell them, depressing overall sales. And if the shelves are empty and the lines are long, there may not be a reason for consumers to frequent the stores.[…]
The research report also points out that the labor struggles that have ignited around its poor practices have come with a cost, noting, “Today, Wal-Mart spends a good deal of time and money in hopes of easing Washington scrutiny, bolstering its corporate image and assuaging labor groups.” […]
Walmart says it pays full-time workers $12.78 an hour, on average, but other reports put average pay just over $8 an hour. Costco, on the other hand, pays workers nearly $22 an hour on average. Its sales are up 6 percent over last year.
Psstt!! Walmart!!! Spend some of that money to pay a living wage instead of fighting the regulators and maybe you will gain some goodwill (and business) from that. Just a thought.
Suicide Bomber Instructor Blows Up Suicide Bombers-In-Training
The commander of an Iraqi militant group accidentally killed 22 members of his unit Monday who were training to become suicide bombers after he conducted a demonstration with live explosives, the New York Times reported.
The Sunni militants belonged to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, also known as ISIS, according the Times. They have been engaged in fighting with the Iraqi government army and conducted suicide bombings throughout the country.[…]
An Iraqi army official described the commander as a “prolific recruiter,” adding that he was “able to kill the bad guys for once”.
More …
Have you ever seen a streaker? Have you ever been a streaker?
Has anyone ever flashed you?
In any parts of your life where you are an authority figure (parent, classroom, office, etc.) do you think you are strict, or permissive?
The Twitter Emitter
You know your pets are overweight when you find yourself worrying about unflattering camera angles.
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) February 10, 2014
#YouMightBeARepublican if you worry more about your kids paying an estate tax than you do about them inheriting a livable planet
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) February 10, 2014
Wake up,you fools. The snow and ice will continue in the south until the Jaguars sign Tebow.
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) February 10, 2014
A gritty "Popeye" reboot in which Ryan Gosling plays a moody sailor whose spinach addiction leads him into violence
— Seth D. Michaels (@sethdmichaels) February 10, 2014
Roy Blunt wants you to work more hours or else you're lazy. Blunt worked 113 days last year. #p2 #tcot @RoyBlunt
— Bob Cesca (@bobcesca_go) February 10, 2014
Ronald Reagan is sort of like Jesus. You have to openly worship him. Also, you have to ignore virtually everything he actually did & said.
— William K. Wolfrum (@Wolfrum) February 10, 2014
in response to rnc bringing up lewinsky scandal, dnc vows to nail gop nominee on teapot dome. #AnswerTheTeapot
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) February 10, 2014
"It's like getting blown up, on your first day of suicide bombing class." #OKThatsIronic
— William K. Wolfrum (@Wolfrum) February 10, 2014
A day without wine is like … never going to happen.
— David Lubar (@davidlubar) February 10, 2014
To neigh or not to neigh, that is equestrian.
— Shayera Tangri (@shayera) February 10, 2014
Make sure you let your peeps
know where to find you!
PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary! Fierces on the Weather Critter Comment are |