Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Wednesday Watering Hole: Check In & Hangout for the Herd

Good morning, Moosekind.

  PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary!

        Recs on the weather jar comment are still welcome.

The common Moose, Alces alces, unlike other members of the deer family, is a solitary animal that doesn’t form herds. Not so its rarer but nearest relative, Alces purplius, the Motley Moose. Though sometimes solitary, the Motley Moose herds in ever shifting groups at the local watering hole to exchange news and just pass the time.

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The morning check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

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  1. iriti

    45 degrees here in the Shenandoah Valley.  Supposed to get down to 41 before heading back up to 54. We’re not supposed to get above 55 for the next week. Brrrr.

    Please weigh in on one of the critical debates of our time: candy corn vs oerps. Candy corn rules, amirite?


  2. It is 29 degrees here on its way up to 44 degrees. It will not get above 50 for the next couple of weeks.

    I am okay with this. It is time for winter.

    Found on the Twitternets:

  3. Diana in NoVa

    Northern Virginia.  Tonight I’ll make a pork-and-apple pie for dinner, poss. with pears for dessert.

    It was quite overcast when I woke up at 7:15 but I see a lot of blue now.  They were predicting rain for today.

    Didn’t get anything at all done yesterday. Today I must mail a package to a friend in Pennsylvania–it’s to be hoped she’ll receive it in time for Samhain.

    This morning–coffee with my niece and great-nephew, possibly followed by shopping.

    This afternoon–all the things I didn’t get done this morning!

    Hope everyone will have a good day.

    Oh, and although I no longer eat candy corn, I’d still take it over peeps.

  4. anotherdemocrat

    Hmmm, it’s 56 outside & it didn’t feel cold to me. I almost thought about taking off my jacket. High is going to be 80, so this afternoon I’ll regret the black shoes, but I needed them this morning. I hate having cold feet.

    Eating breakfast, drinking tea. Leaving work early today for the dermatologist, there’s a red lump that needs taking off my scalp.

    Very few thoughts in my head at this hour. Earworm is still Yahweh and it’s very loud right now.

  5. JG in MD

    Weather: What Diana in NoVA  and iriti said. Peeps vs. candy corn: What I said. Love the “my opinion” pic!

  6. DeniseVelez

    meeting last night where we gathered to send out reminder postcards for the upcoming election.

    I’m going to be a poll watcher this year – at my local R dominated polling place.  Should be interesting.

    36, going up to 55 here in the Hudson Valley.  

  7. jlms qkw

    also warm tomorrow. the high pressure is stuck in place.  it may not snow before halloween after all.  certainly not if this high stays in place for a second week.  

    i need tea. and a shower.  

  8. JG in MD

    A friend of mine is going to a Halloween party. Her husband wants to dress up but she says “Not on your life!” I’m loaning her this mask to wear.

    Is it too scruffy?

  9. princesspat

    This October has been unusually wet and foggy. I hope we have some sunshine before the real winter rains sets in.  

  10. bfitzinAR

    in Fayetteville, AR.  Monday night’s QC was shorter (I was home by 7:30) and more pleasant than I feared – mostly because the Chair exercised her authority and kept the meeting firmly on what it was supposed to be – budget for our self-insurance program for 2014.  Every time one of the teajhadists tried to turn it into an Obamacare Bashathon she reined them in.  But then, she’s decided she wants to run for higher office (state legislature) so she needs to keep a lid on the Rs on her committees.  No more QC meetings this week – but discussing salaries next week.  Hope everyone has a good day.  {{{HUGS}}}

  11. JG in MD

    I stopped by my vet’s office today to tell him that Katie, 10-year-old kitty, is doing great. His wife Heather and one of the assistants were behind the desk and I knew what would happen when I mentioned that Katie was the kitty who had her spleen removed. It’s The Spleen to everyone. Heather rolled her eyes and said “Oh, The Spleen!”

    As you may remember from posts about it last spring, The Spleen was colossal. David talked about it wide-eyed after the surgery. He showed me a picture; it was bigger than a softball but smaller than a football. I’m sure that everybody in a five-mile radius of their office is sick of hearing about it.

    Anyway, Katie is fine, jumping up on everything, demanding petting and skritching, running around with the midnight crazies promptly at 10 p.m. Here she is when she’s relaxing.

  12. anotherdemocrat

    Home from dermatologist, she sent the bump off to be biopsied. But she said that even if it is a basal cell carcinoma, she is sure she got it all; and I’ve had them before & will have them again. She also saw several spots that she took off with the freezer thing. I got bandaids & tylenol.

    Home, watching Castle, eating a snack so I can take the tylenol.

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