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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

I was at the Austin party for Wendy Davis’ announcement

I was at Scholz’s for the party the Travis County Democratic Party threw so we could watch Wendy Davis make her announcement for governor. The room was packed – just about literally. And there was so much excitement — I was drafted to help at the table selling t-shirts & we sold tons. Come & see the pictures I took.

Crowd shot – you can sort of see the local elected officials, in the back left, talking before Wendy spoke:

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us watching the woman of the hour:

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I wouldn’t normally include this one, as it is an awful one of me, with my eyes closed & all, but it is me with the best State Representative in Texas, Elliott Naishtat, so look at my friend Elliott, not me:

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There was so much energy, excitement & joy in the room. I have real hope we can take back the Governor’s mansion. Help us out – here’s the donation page for Battleground Texas, the group working to turn Texas blue. And here is Wendy Davis’ Act Blue page

Here’s the MSNBC segment about it – Alex Wagner interviewing Cecile Richards:…


  1. Wendy Davis will be an excellent candidate. Her announcement is great news for Texas, Texas women, and America. When we turn Texas blue, it will be game-over for those who want to take away the hard-earned rights of women and minorities, not just in Texas but all over the United States. There is no path to the presidency for the modern Republican party that does not require the 38 electoral votes from Texas.

  2. Diana in NoVa

    I seem to think there have already been three, including Ann Richards.

    Thanks for a great diary, anotherdemocrat! I donated!

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