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Motley Monday Check in and Mooselaneous Musings

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Good morning Motley Meese! Hope your weekend was splendid. Today I’m going to make my first venture out in my walking boot and without my crutches. At the ortho tech’s recommendation, I’m wearing my thickest sole clog on my right foot – the cast and boot together give about the same amount of lift, so I’m even and don’t lurch. It works!

  PLEASE Don’t Recommend the check-in diary!

        Fierces on the weather jar comment are still welcome.

The morning check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

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  1. iriti

    52 here which is good considering the forecast called for a low of 41. Supposed to get into the low 70s.

    Just another manic Monday. Hope it’s a good one.

  2. 44 degrees in Madison WI on its way up to 70 … perfect weather!

    I hope you can hobble around without your crutches. If you are wearing your fancy clog on one foot you will at least be fashionable. 🙂

    Don’t wish for cancelled Mondays! We had one on 9/2 and it took me two weeks to recover from it.

    I took yesterday off so I need to put my nose to the grindstone this morning. Have a great Monday!!

  3. JG in MD

    To the National Archives today to copy a Civil War pension file. What to wear? Favorite big soft shirt over T-shirt would be good, warm enough? Wrinkled from last season?

    ::runs to put comfy shirt in dryer to dewrinkle::

  4. nchristine

    70’s for the afternoon.  Got my issues with a software upgrade fixed Friday.  Have a 4 hour meeting this afternoon – that’s why I’d like to cancel Monday!

  5. anotherdemocrat

    Brrrr! My car said it is 63 degrees out. I wore long sleeves & close-toed shoes! Seriously – actual shoes. And was glad of them. Tomorrow the high will be back to the (normal) mid-90s, but this morning is actually chilly.

    Sleeping is a little better. I woke up around midnight & took a 2nd of the homeopathic things that says it is ok to take in the middle of the night. Didn’t wake up again till 4:55. Which sucks a little, but less than 4 on the dot.

    My friend who is going to fix stuff for me came over last night. I may have to get different curtain rods. But the other stuff, she’s sure will just take a couple of minutes. So that’ll be great.

    Anyway, just eating breakfast & drinking tea. Earworm is Just Say Yes by Snow Patrol (studio version again, sigh — I have to figure out how to make the acoustic version, which I like better, stick in my head better). Very sleepy, but less so than I could be.

  6. Diana in NoVa

    That’s fine with me, I have to spend the day packing.  We’re off to Seattle-Victoria-Vancouver tomorrow–we think.  We fly Space Available, so we never know whether we’ll actually Get On or whether we’ll have to turn around and go home.  Good thing we live 10 minutes from the airport!

    Wonderful weekend of having tea with the Circle sisters on Saturday afternoon–we actually got some RAIN on Saturday, thank Goddess–and yesterday I made beef stew for the family.  It simmered all afternoon in the slow cooker and was delicious. My son, who is living with us now, made a creme brulee for dessert, which we had with blackberries left over from breakfast and some raspberries I picked after tea yesterday. Even our little granddaughter wanted some of that pudding!

    Hope I can find my umbrella. Apparently it’s going to rain everywhere we’re going.  Oh, well, at least I’ll get my British fix.

    A good day to all, and I’ll see you when I get back!

  7. emeraldmaiden

    I have been bad, not checking in.

    Today is a gloriously cool morning; in laws have the heat on, so we had to open the windows in order to prevent melting. It’s 55 degrees right now, gonna be 69. Great day to be out and about.

    Saturday, I did make it to Worldwide Spin in Public Day, and it was a lot of fun. One woman brought her walking wheel (aka great wheel), and I finally got to see on in operation.

  8. DeniseVelez

    Will be grading papers and boiling potatoes for tater salad.

    Nothing else interesting in my life 🙂

    Have a good Monday meeses.  

  9. slksfca

    I’ll be thinking of you today, iriti, and wishing you successful walking!

    Weather here has been so beautiful — except for Saturday when we got soaked by a freakish rainstorm that lasted for hours. But yesterday dawned with cloudless (and fogless) skies. It’s already quite mild this morning though the sun hasn’t come up yet.

    Speaking of walking, I’ve been trying to do mine early in the day. It’s giving me more energy to face the rest of the day.

    Hope everyone has a great week!

  10. Nurse Kelley

    Good morning, Meese! We had a wet front pass through last night that cleared the air and took my sinus headache away. Fall is truly here, my favorite time of the year.

  11. rb137

    I love the fall. I even love the pnw rain. (It gets me out of watering my yard, too!) I love to garden, and this is when a lot of the fun stuff happens — like harvesting this year’s goodies and planning for next year’s goodies.

    Most of my gardening is done at a community plot — and we just learned that we got a second plot. So, I really get to be a garden nerd this year.

    By the way, I’m told that our community garden delivered over 8000 pounds of fresh, organic produce to our local food bank this year. I wish I could say I worked harder at that, but I only worked at the food bank garden a few times this year. There are some people who are at it every single day…

    How’s that for random fall moosings?

  12. princesspat

    We may have a few more sunny days before the fall rains really arrive so I’ve left the patio umbrellas and chair cushions out. They may be drying in the basement soon!

  13. bfitzinAR

    It got down to the 40s as of about 4am, climbing into the low 70s by the time I head for the Budget Committee meeting after work this afternoon.  Facilities Management is repairing/dang-near rebuilding the exterior door right under my window this week.  Power tools do not make “natural” sounds or even produce “natural” rhythms.  And they’re so close they’re too loud to mask with music or “white” noise.  Good thing I don’t have any departmental budget things to do today.  This massively messes with my ability to deal with numbers.  I may take some time off this week.  (I’ll warn folks if I do.)  Enjoy the weather wherever you are.  {{{HUGS}}}

  14. JG in MD

    Had an almost perfect Metro ride: decent parking space, no problems with Smartrip card. Usually I’m a galumphing idiot who doesn’t know how to use the complicated farecard machine or gets on the wrong train or whatever. Today, finally, I got all of it right.

    14-page Civil War pension file at the archives. After lengthy demonstration by young archivist, pressed buttons that scanned onto flash drive, each page a separate TIFF file, decided against one big PDF. Went downstairs to look at pages on computer. Surprise, only one page scanned.

    Back upstairs. YA: “Oh, you had to reset this and this and this for each page, it won’t go through one after another. Here’s how you do it…” ::presses buttons, presses buttons, says hmmm, cancels last button, presses new button… ::

    I announced to YA that I was giving up. No way could I learn how to scan to flash drive. Copied onto 14″ paper, most pages of the original are long.

    Got home and remembered my scanner glass is only 12″ long. Stuck with no way to scan. Wonder how much Kinko’s would charge… Deadline is preferably today, tomorrow all right, don’t have the heart to go to Kinko’s right now… Maybe tomorrow morning early…

  15. anotherdemocrat

    help me come up with ideas to get at least 1 or 2 of these matches

    ideas please:

    AIDS Walk Austin ‏@AIDSWalkAustin The first 25 people to get a $100+ donation on Sept 25 will get $100 matched! Mark your calendars!

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