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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Archive for June 2013

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 6/24/13


If a picture paints a thousand words, what are you doing in that picture?

What is your most embarrassing moment, that, in retrospect, seems funny now?

What is your biggest pet peeve?

What famous quote do you wish you had said first?

The Twitter Emitter

Motley Monday Check in and Mooselaneous Musings

Good morning Motley Meese! Hope your weekend was lovely. Remember to let your peeps know where you are!

  PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary!

        Recs on the weather jar comment are still welcome.

Here’s today’s Motley Monday Shot of the Week, taken at Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.

Garden of the Gods (57 of 59)

All The News: SuperMoon Sunday


This monument to Nelson Mandela is by Marco Cianfanelli.

Award for Courage in Editorial Cartooning for 2013

CCRI announcement

Mr. Joel Pett, President of the Board of Directors of the Cartoonists Rights Network International announces that the recipient of the Award for Courage in Editorial Cartooning for 2013 is Syrian cartoonist Akram Raslan.

Mr. Raslan was arrested by Syrian authorities at the offices of his newspaper, Al-Fida in the city of Hama, Syria approximately 6 months ago.  He has been held incommunicado since then.  A reliable source reports that he has been tortured and abused, deprived of any legal counsel, and is now to be put on trial in a special court that has been created for enemies of the state.

CRNI gives Akram Aslan our annual Award for Courage in Editorial Cartooning in recognition of his extraordinary courage in confronting the forces of violence with cartoons that told only the truth.

The cartoonists are coming!  The cartoonists are coming to my town!  

AAEC 2013 Convention  The Association of American Editorial Cartoonists

Pat Bagley: Editorial Cartoonists Convention On his process, the convention and cartooning in Utah

City Weekly; Rachel Piper

Brace for scrutiny, Salt Lakers: The Association of American Editorial Cartoonists is holding its 2013 convention here at the end of the month (June 27-29,

You’ve been on hiatus from your daily cartoon in preparation for the conference. Is it odd?

I was listening to the radio on the way over, and I heard something about Nelson Mandela. And I was thinking, “If he dies, and I’m not there to do a cartoon about it, that would be bad.” There are things that could bring me to do another cartoon.

What’s your process for generating a cartoon every day since 1979?

As you go through life, you stash away information-whatever you read, whatever you watch on television, what you see in the movies, it’s just more material that goes in your attic. The messier your attic is, the more material you’ve got to go through. You think about this and that, and you can maybe make some odd connections. But it’s hard to say what makes that connection. All I can say is, expose yourself to a lot of stuff, intellectually. I like history, and I read a lot, and I think that helps.

I do it all kinds of ways. Sometimes I just want to draw a dinosaur that day, and I’ll doodle until I come up with a caption.

Has there ever been a day when you’re just like, “I got nothin.”?

Oh God, yeah. It’s only happened four times in the 30, 40 years I’ve been there. You can always do a bad cartoon.

The Eyes of Us Are Upon Texas (UPDATED: #sb5isdead)

And what are we looking at?

This, happening right now at the state capitol in Austin:

It is a People’s Filibuster and it is gaining momentum.

Liveblog from Texas Tribune

The clock is ticking for the legislation. To reach Gov. Rick Perry’s desk for final approval, the measure must be approved in the House and Senate before the special session comes to a close Tuesday. Opponents of the legislation hope to delay the proceedings long enough to stymie its passage.

Odds & Ends: News/Humor

I post a weekly diary of historical notes, arts & science items, foreign news (often receiving little notice in the US) and whimsical pieces from the outside world that I often feature in “Cheers & Jeers”. For example …..

By Request OLDER-YOUNGER BROTHERS? by vzfk3s: TV star Gary Sinise

………. and DK founder Markos Moulitsaswhaddya think?

OK, you’ve been warned – here is this week’s tomfoolery material that I posted.

Things the United States Makes

By: inoljt,

One of the time-honored American political traditions is to complain about how America no-longer makes things. This is not quite true, however. America still makes plenty of things.

Why, then, do so many Americans think that nothing is made in America anymore? Well, let’s take a look at four things that America makes, below the fold:

Netroots Nation 2013: “Ask the Leader” Keynote (Updated with Video)

Netroots Nation is a yearly gathering of left of center online organizations and bloggers. This year’s convention is in San Jose CA.

Saturday’s lunch keynote is entitled “Ask the Leader”, a question and answer session with House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. It is scheduled to start at 12:00pm Pacific (1pm Mountain, 2pm Central, 3pm Eastern).

Video from the Free Speech TV archive is below the fold

From the NN13 schedule:

Ask the Leader

Keynote; Sat, 06/22/2013 – 12:00pm, Exhibit Hall 2

Join moderator Zerlina Maxwell and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, in a substantive discussion about current issues and legislative process. Tweet your questions with the hashtag #AskPelosi in advance or live during the session.

Boxed lunches generously sponsored by the Sierra Club.

Led by: Zerlina Maxwell

Panelists: House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi

Zerlina Maxwell:

Zerlina Maxwell is a political analyst and contributing writer for,, and She writes about national politics, candidates, and specific policy and culture issues including domestic violence, sexual assault, victim blaming and gender inequality. She has consulted with the United States Department of State to promote the use of social media by students in the West Bank. Her writing has also appeared in JET Magazine, on, The Huffington Post, The American Prospect,, and She is also a frequent guest on Make It Plain with Mark Thompson on Sirius XM Left and on Fox News. (Twitter)


Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi:

Nancy Pelosi is the Democratic Leader of the House of Representatives in the 113th Congress. From 2007 to 2011, she served as the first woman Speaker of the House and is the first woman in American history to lead a major political party in Congress. Leader Pelosi has represented San Francisco, California’s 12th District, for 26 years.


Update: It was a lovely event last evening. There will be another. Watch the news. Thanks for viewing.

Well, it’s that time again for the Supermoon. This little diary is for those who will have clear skies tonight and want to see the Moon closer than normal. Any time there is a full moon, it is a nice thing to see.

First, a little sciency stuff. For much more about this phenomenon see OBSERVING BLOG by Shari Balouchi in Sky and Telescope magazine.

  • The Moon takes about a month to orbit Earth.
  • The Moon does not orbit in a circle.
  • During the closest part of the orbit it is called Perigee.
  • When things are closer they look bigger. The Moon will look a few 14% bigger than at Apogee.
  • The Moon will be closest and biggest at 6:32 AM CDT Sunday, below the horizon in the US.

You can still see it. Go outside and face East after 8 PM CDT or SW before 3 AM CDT. It will appear almost as large as at 6:32 AM. I hope you get to see it.


Happy viewing…Jim