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Motley Monday Check in and Mooselaneous Musings

Good morning Motley Meese! Hope your weekend was lovely. Remember to let your peeps know where you are!

Here’s today’s Motley Monday Shot of the Week, a female Eastern Pondhawk dragonfly. Females and immature males are this happy green to blend with the grass. Males get a dusty light blue coloration when they mature. Like birds, it’s the male in most dragonfly species that are the most colorful. With Eastern Pondhawks, the females have the brighter color, but only to blend with spring grass.

female eastern pondhawk

The morning check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

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  1. iriti

    55 in the Shenandoah Valley, headed for a high of 64. Got a 50-50 chance right now, so either it’s gonna rain or it’s not. Flip a coin.

    Back to work after a couple of sick days, which means I’ll be chained to the ‘puter catching up all day. Wish I had one of these at the office:

     photo officeassistant.jpg

  2. DeniseVelez

    they say it will go up to 60 something, but I’m still wearing my long johns under my jeans – walking across campus later will be cold, the wind there is always a challenge.

    I am always amazed to see female students who wear teeny tank tops with their belly-buttons showing and cutoffs, flip flops…shivering as they walk but proudly displaying skin…when the sun is bright but the temps are still so cold I’m bundled up to my neck.


    Hope you are feeling better Iriti.


  3. The most civilized way to travel is by train. I wish they went more places and with more convenient schedules.

    Mondays aren’t too bad when you have a weekend off. When you are busy all weekend, its arrival reminds you that you will get no break at all before getting back into the grind.

    Glad to hear you are feeling better, iriti. But sorry to hear you will be chained to your desk. That sounds really uncomfortable.

    p.s. Do not google “chained to desk images”.

  4. Yeah! Wash that pollen out of the air. I’m tired of my blue car looking green because of the layer of pollen on it. It is so bad here that I go out to take the garbage out and come in with enough pollen on me to start little Pixie sneezing.

    The trees are blooming in spurts. The pinks are now in bloom. The white ones are finished. The purple have yet to start. Some yellow are seen but not all. Just bloom will you and get done with it. Sheesh. Pollen season is going to go into August before the trees and bushes are done blooming.

     photo TodaysPinkFlowers5_zps2b31d81d.jpg

  5. nchristine

    can of worms at work today.  We found something that doesn’t look right and I think it needs to be fixed properly sooner than later.

  6. Portlaw

    in the forties in NY headed for the fifties with rain thinking of coming for a visit.  Cherry trees are in bloom and the pear trees that line the streets are covered with their white blossoms. Pocket parks are showing off their tulips and daffodils and I spotted some violets.  Everything is gorgeous.

  7. Jk2003

    Grey here today.  Yesterday was such a nice change to have sun and warmer temps.  This week looks pretty dreary again.  Maybe Mother Nature is saving up all the sun for my new house? Who knows.  

    I wish everyone a productive and quick Monday.

  8. pittiepat

    day.  I miss taking road trips.  Nurse Kelley and I took a biggie in 1999 while still living in Houston.  Drove to Seattle and back with many stops in many places.  After passing through Portland, we discovered an old but still well-used road which parallels the interstate.  Spent 2 days along the road, right next to the Columbia River Gorge.  Beautiful part of the country.  At the end of the second day, alas, we ended up in Boise, Idaho

  9. The day is starting with sun, but clouds will take over soon.

    We did have a relaxing weekend with my sister and BIL. It was pretty chilly on Saturday, and it even snowed on us. But by the time we left Matthiesen park yesterday late morning, the temps had warmed up considerably.

    It was GOOD to be offline for a couple of days, and to be outside. Hopefully the weather will cooperate for more of both.

  10. wordsinthewind

    mr w got a call over the weekend so he’ll be off later for a service call and visit to our place in central Texas. It’s warm and windy today, but the weather guy was telling us we’re going to get another cold front this week with temps dropping to the 30s. My hands are not better, I’m trying for an appointment this week and not feeling real good about this.

  11. jlms qkw

    all allergy symptoms have disappeared.

    will need furnace after school i think.  

    love road trips.  starting to plan for this summer.  

  12. slksfca

    …so I’m really feeling the cold because of the drafts. Heat is on but hasn’t made much headway yet. Big winds this afternoon but temperature will warm up a bit.

    Watched Episode 3 of Mr. Selfridge last night. It was pretty good. No Downton Abbey, but fun to watch.

  13. princesspat

    We leave tomorrow for round two of packing away RonK’s mom’s house so I’ll check in when I can. This should be easier than the first round but there is still a lot to do.

    I need to find my more summery clothes today….it doesn’t rain every day in eastern Wa. and the elusive sun really shines!  

  14. bfitzinAR

    sorry to late checking in but got slammed before I even logged in this AM – apparently something happened to the internet last Friday night and not everything came back up (fortunately mine did or I wouldn’t be here now) – including the office internet printer.  Been scurrying around getting tests printed for several of today’s classes.  Think/hope I’ve got them all and the internet fixit guy just arrived.  Happy Monday (oxymoron?) and y’all take care, {{{HUGS}}} bf

  15. The commissioning ceremony will start with a slide show for each of the commissioning cadets. I’m trying to select some photos they can use, pix of Son with FFDIL, with us, in color guard, etc. I could spend days doing this…

    He is finishing his final draft of his thesis today. He hasn’t looked into getting the car fixed yet. Hope that works out for him…

  16. slksfca

    My poor old building is shaking and quaking, and the curtains are fluttering from all the drafts eddying about. Glad I don’t have to go anywhere this afternoon.

  17. wordsinthewind

    with good news I think. He thinks the swollen joints are a reaction to the skin problems which he was happy to call ecxzema or anything else any of my previous dermatologists had called it. The consensus is that it’s not psorisis which I am truly grateful for. He did say that if the joints did not respond to the treatment over the next month then when he sees me next he’ll refer me on to a rheumatologist. That strikes me as reasonable and I like his plan for the prednisone, over the years drs. have learned better ways to utilize it with less side effects. It still wierds me out to take it but when my skin is bad enough my hesitations fall away.

  18. anotherdemocrat

    today was super busy at work, then came this afternoon

    While there were 200 people (newspaper estimate) from Austin there, as far as I know, no one I know is among the injured. If I knew anyone going, I would have heard their incessant bragging over the past few months, because getting a BQ time is a bfd & getting to actually go, that’s a bucket-list thing.

    So, just my heart is hurt. So – hi.

  19. anotherdemocrat

    the Red Cross website in Boston kept crashing — and Rachel was just reading posts by Bostonians offering to help stranded runners that made me cry.

    I love people.

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