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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Archive for March 2013

Violence and the Severely Mentally Ill

There is rampant hysteria today about the mentally ill being dangerous and having access to guns. To some the mentally ill are the major problem with gun violence. Take for example, Ann Coulter’s recent headline: “Guns don’t kill people, the mentally ill do”.  

Happee Caturdai Pooie Diaree

Those of you who already either know me or know of me know that I am a massive pootie person. We  moved into an apartment and now have a pootie, named Jenny; however I grew up with both cats & dogs and I love both. I do not discriminate against any animal & love animal photos of all kinds. Please enjoy the following and add any photos that you think the community would like to see. Now, enjoy the photos & have some fun.

Springing Ahead

Overnight tonight in the wee hours of March 9th (2am, to be precise), the United States will switch from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time. Or at least most of the United States will: Hawaii and most of Arizona being the notable exceptions.

Besides making you late for things (if you forget to set your clocks ahead one hour), the loss of that hour of sleep in the spring can really wreak havoc on your body.

Creating Art

When I was in second grade my teacher Mrs. Bluestein wrote on my report card “Take a look at her art!” With encouragement like that I’ve been an artist all my life. When arthritis set in my hands and I could no longer hold a pen or paintbrush for any length of time I turned to computer-generated art. In the last couple of years the tools available for computer-generated art has exploded and the techniques available now are finally at the point where I can create the art I want. I have been asked to explain how I do my art from the concept through the finished product. So follow me as I show you how I created my latest work called “Sisters: The Dragon King’s Daughters.”

Weekly Address: President Obama : “End the sequester to keep the economy growing”

From the White House – Weekly Address

In his weekly address, President Obama says that businesses have created jobs every month for three years straight – nearly 6.4 million altogether, and have added 246,000 new jobs in February. We must keep this momentum going, and that’s why the President recently met with Republican leaders to discuss how we can replace the harmful, arbitrary budget cuts, called the “sequester,” with balanced deficit reduction.

The Daily F Bomb, Saturday 3/9/13

Happy Saturday, Bombrewskis! I hope you are well on this fine sunny/rainy/snowy/foggy/none of the above morning.  Now, where is my coffee?


If you could be painted by any famous artist in history, who would you choose? If you could be photographed by any famous photographer in history, who would you choose? What fictional character do you most identify with? If your life story was made into a movie, who do you think should play you? (Don’t limit yourself to living actors if your favorite is no more.)

The Twitter Emitter

Random Japan

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Just five months after its inception, the Nuclear Regulation Authority has already fired a senior official for having an “inappropriate exchange” with the operator of a nuclear power plant.

Meanwhile, a high-ranking official at the land ministry (the parliamentary secretary for reconstruction, if you must know) mysteriously resigned, allegedly over “a relationship with a woman.” Can’t have that!

Researchers at the environment ministry believe there may be a connection between the March 11 megaquake and a magnitude 6.5 earthquake in Hokkaido last month that caused blackouts and highway closures.

It was reported that officials at the National Police Agency are making an effort to develop better aging-prediction technology out of concerns that “the faces of people on police wanted posters end up looking markedly different from fugitives.”

This will be the last one of these.

Well, It’s Spring

Well, it’s Spring, and the winds are all happy,

As they blow the garbage around,

Because what else must winds be happy about

Other than doing what winds do.

And here I am in my property

Such a strange term.

I am on it, out of it, around it,

I have yet to dig a hole to be in it.

Yes, it’s Spring! And it will freeze yet again next week

It’s Predicted!

And, quite oddly, there were spurts of raindrops on the resonant metal roof of this house in which I sleep and wake and read and type and too frequently cry.

I do the cooking and bathroom stuff in the other house.

It’s complicated.

I spend time every day carrying water around. Coffee grounds for the nitrogen, and any water that is relatively unsaltified, on the yard. I buy this water and I’m damned if I’m going to just give it back.