Spoke to the vet this morning, this is what we know:
Fudge’s thyroid levels were normal, and there’s no anemia. However, the kidney enzymes were high – 56 for the B1 enzyme and 5.1 for the T-something (didn’t quite catch the name) enzyme. Also, there was bacteria in the urine sample so it looks like she has a urinary tract infection. They’re going to do a culture & sensitivity analysis on the urine sample they took; results from that should come back in 2-3 days.
She is happily eating the wet food, although she ignored the dry food again last night; drinking appears to be normal, at least what I’ve been able to observe.
Treatment for now is:
1. Start Fudge on an antibiotic for the UTI; dosage/specific drug to potentially be modified by the results of the culture analysis.
2. Start the Lysine tonight mixed in with the wet food.
3. Keep an eye on her weight (I’m thinking I’ll weigh her each night when I get home to be consistent).
4. If her weight doesn’t start to increase or continues to decrease, follow up with an ultrasound & x-rays.
So that’s where we’re at; I’ll be picking up the antibiotic on my way home tonight, as well as more wet food. Once her nose has cleared up, if she’s still not going for the dry food I’ll start to transition them to a different brand. Thanks everyone for your advice the other day; it really did help & was comforting.