Surprise! John McCain didn’t do an about-face and vote “no” on cloture to move Chuck Hagel’s SecDef nomination forward because of any lingering questions regarding Benghazi. He’s not really looking for more information on Hagel’s financial records like Ted Cruz. Nope. He finally told the truth to Fox News and … WAAAHHH!
Back in 2004 Sen. Hagel said some mean things about then-President Bush (yes, you read that right, McCain’s been holding a grudge since 2004):
Speaking to Fox News host Neil Cavuto, McCain said that he still believed that Hagel would get the votes required to be confirmed. What followed was the clearest indication yet that he’s still bitter that Hagel turned against the Iraq War:
McCAIN: But to be honest with you, Neil, it goes back to there’s a lot of ill will towards Senator Hagel because when he was a Republican, he attacked President Bush mercilessly and say he was the worst President since Herbert Hoover and said the surge was the worst blunder since the Vietnam War, which was nonsense. He was anti-his own party and people – people don’t forget that. You can disagree but if you’re disagreeable, then people don’t forget that.…
But “Country First,” right, Senator? Couldn’t stand up for John Kerry when he was swiftboated and you can’t admit you were wrong about Iraq.
Grow up, Senator.