Today’s big story is about a gun …
That is the President of the United States skeet shooting in August 2012. The photo was released by the White House because certain people on the Right had questioned whether the President lied when he said during a recent interview that skeet shooting was done “all the time” at Camp David.
When I first read via Twitter that the photo had been released I rolled my eyes: most people already believe what they are going to believe. Except maybe Washington Post “Fact Checker” Glenn Kessler who originally withheld judgement at the end of one of the stupidest articles you’ll read. After a whole lot of mocking and some “anonymous sourcing” Kessler has graciously upgraded the President’s claim awarding it a “Geppetto Checkmark.” Woohoo!
But serious journalism aside (!) it seems the White House is simply trolling folks now:
davidplouffe 2:19pm via Twitter for iPhone
Day made. The skeet birthers are out in full force in response to POTUS pic. Makes for most excellent, delusional reading. #whereistrump
Dan Pfeiffer @pfeiffer44
For all the “skeeters”: POTUS shoots clay targets on the range at Camp David on Aug. 4, 2012.
It is funny and it is sad at the same time. We have gotten to the point where every single thing this man does is called into question. And the “liberal media” jumps on it instead of giving it the mocking it deserves:
jayrosen_nyu 6:04pm via Web
The news site I want would say: This is too stupid to pay attention to. You may safely ignore it. If anything changes, we will let you know.
Of course, Kessler tried to justify his position by saying that several readers raised questions about the claim. Interesting though that no one is questioning Joe Biden’s claims about hunting.
Kessler and other “serious” journalist types feed this stuff and then wonder why people mock them and then get all butthurt on Twitter. Yet he and others keep doing the same damned thing. If they’d stop looking stupid we’d stop laughing at them.
But I’ll leave you with this bit of funny:
pourmecoffee 3:14pm via TweetDeck
Examined Obama skeet photo all day and from smoke pattern can say with confidence there was a second shooter, probably Rev. Wright.