Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Archive for January 2013

Ebony Magazine During the Civil Rights Era

By: inoljt,

In 2008 Ebony magazine made available much of its archive, dating all the way back to 1959. The archive can be read here, and it offers a fascinating perspective on America during the past. Most magazines write from the normal perspective of the white community. Ebony, however, writes from the quite different lens of black America. This perspective is quite interesting from the viewpoint of the modern reader.

More below.

Moose or Meese?

I found my way over here so I guess it would be polite to say hi. So hi everybody. I was looking at my art models to see if I have any moose or meese but all I have is mice or mousies. I’ll have to work on that.

It's "Dixie" Not "Confederate Dixie"

Basic Facts:  When junior colleges grow into 4-year colleges, and 4-year colleges grow into universities, there is a chance to consider name and perhaps mascot changes.  

More Basic Facts:  Utah is not monolithic.  The Legislature has a Republican supermajority.  Utah is 62.2% LDS.  .  

One More Basic Fact:  I, and most people I know, cannot move from where we live right now.  There are economic, social/family and legal constraints.  Please do not bring this up.  

I am interested in solutions, education, and exploring the issue.  I am not open to Utah nor LDS bashing.  

The Weather


*No thunderstorms over the next 4-5 days.

*Snow confined to the far northern US where it’s supposed to snow in January.

*Snow showers are possible in/around DC on Inauguration Day, but it shouldn’t be anything apocalyptic.

*It’s going to be bitterly cold next week. Temperatures will struggle to break freezing during the day in most of the Mid-Atlantic and Midwest starting on Monday. Low temperatures will approach single digits and subzero levels in many places the first half of the week — the Washington DC area will see temperatures in the low- to mid-teens on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights.

*Auroras are possible tonight at far northern latitudes.

*An asteroid the size of a Boeing 757 will miss Earth by 21,000 miles (9% of the distance between the Earth and moon) on February 15th.  

Friedai Critters

Those of you who already either know tricia or know of tricia know that she is a massive pootie person. She moved into an apartment and now has a pootie, named Princess Ashley; however she grew up with both cats & dogs and she loves both. She does not discriminate against any animal & loves animal photos of all kinds. Please enjoy the following and add any photos that you think the community would like to see. Now, enjoy the photos & have some fun.

I am posting this diary, constructed by triciawyse in its entirety, due to her internet access difficulties.  I’d like to thank tricia for preparing it and allowing me access so I could migrate it from angry orange to laidback purple!

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 1/18

Happy Friday, F-ers! It’s so nice to see the week drawing to an end, except for the fact that we’re all a week older (which is great if you’re about to turn 21).

Questions: For the meat eaters: Rare, medium rare, or well done? Trees: deciduous or evergreen? What is your favorite kind of tree? Gilligan or Maynard G. Krebs? What do you crave more often, sweet or savory? What is your least favorite color? What song makes you run screaming from the room? If you could match up any two pundits in a cage match, which ones would you chose? Which one would win?

The Twitter Stream:

Now for the history lesson!

North Dakota is Burning — And You Can See it from Space

On the NPR blog, Robert Krullwich noticed that pictures taken at night from space of the US show a recent phenomenon — one of the brightest patches is in one of the least populated places in the US — western North Dakota.

The reason, apparently, is the boom in oil drilling. In addition to the lighting that the drillers bring with them, the drilling makes extensive use of the practice of burning off natural gas.  Those flares have turned this relatively underpopulated area into an area as bright as major metropolitan areas, such as Minneapolis-St.Paul.

You can find the NPR article here.

RIP Pauline Phillips

My favorite Dear Abby letter of all time:


Dear Abby — About four months ago, the house across the street was sold to a “father and son” or so we thought.

We later learned it was an older man about 50 and a young fellow about 24.

This was a respectable neighborhood before this “odd couple” moved in. They have all sorts of strange-looking company. Men who look like women, women who look like men, blacks, whites, Indians. Yesterday I even saw two nuns go in there!

They must be running some sort of business, or a club. There are motorcycles, expensive sports cars and even bicycles parked in front and on the lawn. They keep their shades drawn so you can’t see what’s going on inside but they must be up to no good, or why the secrecy?

We called the police department and they asked if we wanted to press charges! They said unless the neighbors were breaking some law there was nothing they could do.

Abby, these weirdos are wrecking our property values! How can we improve the quality of this once-respectable neighborhood?



Dear Up — You could move.  


Fursdai Furries

Those of you who already either know me or know of me know that I am a massive pootie person. We  moved into an apartment and now have a pootie, named Princess Ashley; however I grew up with both cats & dogs and I love both. I do not discriminate against any animal & love animal photos of all kinds. Please enjoy the following and add any photos that you think the community would like to see. Now, enjoy the photos & have some fun.