I hate to do this my first weekend back, but I am hopping mad and need to vent.
Not five minutes ago, a now-ex-Facebook friend shared a photo with me.
The photo was the portrait, home address and home phone number of a newspaper publisher who is ardently pro-gun control. The original post tracks back to someone who appears to be on the political far-right.
Now, I am not anti-2nd Amendment. I’ve done my share of target-plinking. My husband has hunting rifles and shotguns, and he learned to hunt from his dad, who provides us with venison every deer season. I don’t have an issue with people who have revolvers, hunting arms, black powder, or even semi-auto pistols.
I do think there is a strong argument to be made in favor of restricting high-capacity firearms such as the Bushmaster, and armor-piercing ammunition, and closing the gun show loopholes. Anyone who has to go hunting with a 30-round magazine is no hunter. Go shoot skeet instead — and oh, you only need a shotgun for that.
Both sides have a right to debate the issue. Where I draw the line is when personal information like a portrait photo, phone number and home address gets posted publicly on Facebook by someone with an axe to grind. This is cyber-stalking. It can get people killed.
I did what I could: I reported it to Facebook, made an immediate posting denouncing the tactic, found the employer’s Facebook page and sent them an email asking them to warn their employee. I then went back to my page to go delete the individual from my friends list, only to find the individual in question had beaten me to it. Good riddance.
Right now I am as angry as I have been in a very long time. Stalking of any sort makes my blood boil.
Thanks for listening and letting me vent.