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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Firearms Legislation

A proposed simple approach to Firearms legislation. My views on the issue are rooted in the following:

1) The Second Amendment establishes a right for Americans to own firearms. It also allows for sensible regulation thereof.

2) With Rights come Responsibilities.

3) Your rights end where someone else’s begins.

With that……..

1. All firearms should be registered.

2. All sale and transfer of firearms should require a background check.

3. Mandatory training should be required for all firearms owners. The more lethal the weapon, the more training should be required. Training should be paid for by the owner.

4. Liability Insurance should be required for each firearm owned.

5. Mandatory safe storage should be required for all firearms. Annual inspections by an authorized agent should also be required; paid for by the firearm owner.

6. Anyone under a restraining order, or convicted of a violent crime, or Driving under the Influence or convicted of a drug possession should lose their 2nd Amendment Right for life; restorable only be a judge.

7. Anyone undergoing mental health treatment should be reported by the attending physician/psychiatrist and cross-checked against the registration database. If the individual owns a firearm or resides in a domicile where firearms are present, those firearms should be confiscated.

8. There should be a well defined ban on weapons capable of firing more than X number of rounds in a specified amount of time to include magazines, clips, drums which would allow the firearm to exceed that limit. Modifying a firearm to exceed that limit should be a felony. If convicted, loss of 2nd Amendment rights should be mandatory.

9. Minors should not be able to own a firearm.

10. To fund this effort, to include all the required databases, etc., an excise tax should be placed on all firearm sales and transfers.


  1. To recommend this diary but for some reason it’s not giving me the option. Only request moderation.

    Personally I have no problem seeing guns (save for the hunting kind) rifles(?) outlawed completely. But I understand political realities make this impossible. To me number 8 is key. Why would a person needed a weapon for hunting or protection that did this?

    The founding fathers are turning in their graves on this. In their world, children weren’t getting gunned down in schools.

    As a Canadian in a big city, much of our gun violence is a result of guns smuggled in from the US. I saw some statistic which I can’t seem to find right now, that said there are more gun dealers in the US than gas stations!

  2. donnamarie

    These are all very sensible, doable guidelines.

    Why the hell can’t we do this?  Never mind, I know the answer.

    I can’t recommend this diary either.

  3. HappyinVT

    Perhaps it should be further defined as having an evaluation to determine whether one is a danger to himself or others.

    (Wonkette has a story about a teacher who was spotted by neighbors carrying a gun to his car.  After posting disturbing videos on YouTube which suggested that his intentions were not non-violent.  The guy’s wife had no idea he had guns in the house and has since gotten a protective order.  The guy agreed to voluntary committment.  For whatever reason I was surprised that the guy lives in Bennington VT; not that we don’t have the occasional odd person but just struck me.)

    Also need to either eliminate or strictly limit the ability to buy guns via gun show and/or online.

  4. auron renouille

    I’m tempted to elaborate on your insurance proposition in my own diary.  The issue has fascinated me for awhile and I think it could be crafted to be a really positive thing as a stop-gap measure before we really do something meaningful about all of these crazy military weapons.

  5. bubbanomics

    “Obama has been anti-gun rights along, he was just waiting for his second term to push this stuff,” Workman said. “Unfortunately, Sandy Hook timed pretty perfectly with the start of this second term. … This nutball really handed this one to the Obama administration and gave the Obama administration a chance to take the gloves off.”

    from http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo

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