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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Archive for September 2011

Coffee Klatsch

So, who did win the IGP* debate last night?  I heard some say Romney did.  Others insist Perry pwned Romney on the health care being dropped from his platform thing. Many have dismissed Bachmann altogether at this point.  If you didn’t get to watch it, don’t miss this round-up.

Oh Yippee! Another GOP Debate (Open Thread)

This time they’ve decided to let Gary Johnson participate.

I think conventional wisdom has this as Perry versus Romney with a bit of “let’s see who can get the most Tea Party cheers” from Bachmann, Cain, and Santorum while Huntsman tries to look moderate and 2016ish.

Given that this is a FoxNews/Google (to be streamed live on Youtube) debate the questions might be more interesting than the answers although I find this social media questioning too gimmicky.

Myself, I’m wondering if Ron Paul will be pressed on his former campaign manager’s debt-ridden death (he was asked about it earlier this week so it isn’t outside the realm of possibility) or Rick Perry on either Social Security and/or Troy Davis (as in would you lose any sleep over the possibility of executing an innocent man).


The show circus starts at 9:00pm Florida time.  In the meantime feel free to talk among yourselves.

The Lounge: Breaking! The People at CERN have clocked Neutrinos travelling FTL


This is the most exciting scientific discovery I think I’ve heard in my entire life.  I left the news as a comment in open thread, but I just can’t stand the excitement.  If this is true entire paradigms have to change.  If this is true this could be our ticket to the stars!!!!

GENEVA (AP) — Scientists at the world’s largest physics lab say they have clocked subatomic particles traveling faster than light, a feat that – if true – would break a fundamental pillar of science.

The readings have so astounded researchers that they are asking others to independently verify the measurements before claiming an actual discovery.

“This would be such a sensational discovery if it were true that one has to treat it extremely carefully,” said John Ellis, a theoretical physicist at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, who was not involved in the experiment.

Nothing is supposed to move faster than light, at least according to Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity: The famous E (equals) mc2 equation. That stands for energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.

But neutrinos – one of the strangest well-known particles in physics – have now been observed smashing past this cosmic speed barrier of 186,282 miles per second (299,792 kilometers).…

As I stated in the open thread.  YEEEE HAAAAW!

Why College Students Don't Vote – Some Anecdotes

By: Inoljt,

College students, and young people in general, are famous for their low voting turn-out. In the 2010 midterms, an estimated 20.9% of 18 to 19-year-olds voted – far below the estimated 51% who voted in the 2008 presidential election. 18-to-29-year-olds composed 18% of the electorate in the 2008 presidential election; in the 2010 mid-term elections, they composed a mere 11% of the electorate.

As a college student myself, I’ve had a number of conversations with individuals who did not vote that November.

More below.

MemeBusters Thursday: Is Obama your boyfriend? Why don't you marry him? CLAP LOUDER!!

A meme (  ˈmiːm[1]) is “an idea, behaviour or style that spreads from person to person within a culture.

A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols or practices, which can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals or other imitable phenomena. Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate and respond to selective pressures

Namaste friends!  Welcome to the second edition of MemeBusters Thursday.  Last week we took a look at 11 dimensional chess and other incarnations of the idea that the moves made by the President are so complicated as to escape understanding, like Kabuki etc.

This week we’re going to examine the propensity for people who have just been presented with a compelling argument for acts of the President with the rebuttal:  Is he your boyfriend, you worship him, get a room, get the picture?  Seen it before?  Let’s discuss what to do when you see it again.  

Remember the rules.  MemeBusters are participants!  We’ll need help uncovering alternate responses; we’ll need help figuring out what to do next week.  Sound like fun?  Let’s begin.

Israel and the Myth of Colonialism

Cross-posted at

One of the most frequent statements made by people on the far left about Israel is that it is some kind of colonial enterprise.  Here is a typical statement that recently appeared at a Democratic blog that has large readership:

“how is [sic] israel’s actions in the palestinian mandate since 1947 not colonial? it’s a textbook settler colony.”

The comment was actually posted by a friend of mine, a very intelligent person who simply doesn’t know a thing about Israel.  If he did have any knowledge of Israel’s history and demographics, he would realize that the notion of Israel being a colonial enterprise of the West is nothing more than a myth.

Tax the Dead: A Posthumously Open Thread

Stephen Colbert has a great idea: don’t stop with taxing just the poor, get the dead to carry their fair share.

Whatcha think, Moose? Is there any reason not to dig up the dead and get them to pitch in so folks making $1M/year don’t have to?

Consider this a posthumously Open Thread.

Insomniacs Venthole with Craig Ferguson:Pirate Moose Edition

Please read and follow instructions before opening.  Or consult your physician.

SPOILER WARNING: A latenight gathering for non-serious palaver that does not speak of that night’s show. Posting a spoiler will get you brollywhacked. You don’t want that to happen to you.


This vent-hole (hereinafter known as IVH), if lost or stolen will not be replaced or purchase price refunded. Violation of IVH rules will result in expulsion without refund. A copy of IVH rules can be obtained from one or more members wearing tie-dyed oxford shirts after written requests.

Admission to certain functions within the IVH may require additional innuendo, enter at your own risk. Frivolity and silliness are highly recommended for all riders. Flamewars are expressly forbidden and political ranting is strongly discouraged.

Please consult your counselor, magistrate or religious functionary before usage. Comment below if you agree with said terms.

Barriers and Bridges: On Perceptions of Racism

Cross Posted from Daily Kos (at the request of those who aren’t returning)

I grew up in a very well-to-do suburb in Marin County, California.  Marin is a pretty liberal place now, and was when I was growing up as well.  My parents were both transplants from elsewhere. They had met while working as reporters for the El Paso Times. My mother quit working when she had my older brother, then they moved out to California when my father got a job at the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, and then moved to the San Francisco Chronicle.  My parents and all of their friends were very liberal – I think that being a real reporter – on the street, doing your own research, and trying to follow the rule of objectivity – tended to push even those not previously inclined to be liberal in that direction.  When it came to race, my parents, both descended from what a friend once termed “a long line of Southern bigots,” were determined to raise their kids NOT to be racist.  This was not so easy when there was so little exposure to people of color.  

A Mini Field Report

Today we had a special election in the Hillsborough 3rd District to replace a Republican NH House rep elected during the 2010 wave. He didn’t know once elected he had to actually show up for work . . . go figure.

Peter Leishman was the Democratic candidate who had served 5 pervious terms in the House. Peter was running against one David Simpson who had massive support from both the state and national Party. In fact both Romney and Perry motivated volunteers to come out for him. I am going to estimate Peter was out spent by a factor of 10 if not higher.