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Archive for September 2011

Why Obama Was Never the Most Liberal Senator in the United States

By: Inoljt,

A common charge of Republicans during the 2008 presidential campaign was at Senator Barack Obama’s perceived liberalism. Republicans often stated that Mr. Obama was the most liberal senator in the United States, according to a ranking by the National Journal. The attack against Mr. Obama’s liberalism has continued during his time in office.

The ranking by the National Journal, however, seems to be flawed in several ways. Take the 2004 rankings, for instance. Guess who was ranked the most liberal Senator in 2004.

More below.

The American Jobs Act – OPEN THREAD

At 7:00 PM Eastern (4:00 PM Pacific), President Obama will address a joint session of Congress to deliver his plan to create jobs and grow the economy. Senior Advisor, David Plouffe, who has been a key figure in crafting the strategy, says we can expect to hear the President detail a plan that will rebuild our economy, and further, issue a challenge to Congress to meet their responsibilities. All indications are that the address will be part policy, and part politics:


Barack Obama is to throw down the gauntlet to Republicans, demanding they back his $300 billion jobs plan or face the wrath of voters blaming them for refusing to help revive the American economy.

The stakes are high, and so are expectations. This just might be the President’s last, best chance to jumpstart the economy and bring some semblance of balance to the debate in Washington, where The H2tN (Hell to the NO!) Party have been dry-humping the agenda since the midterms. The challenges are immense: Can he appeal to D.C.-weary independents? Appease liberals? We’ll find out soon enough.

Ahmadeenajad: "Assad Needs to Stop the Violence." A Skeptically Open Thread

Ducks will next fly out of my hindquarters:

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Syrian President Bashar al-Assad should back away from his violent crackdown on protesters and enter talks with the opposition.

“There should be talks” between the Syrian government and its opponents, Ahmadinejad said Wednesday in a live interview with Portuguese broadcaster Radiotelevisao Portuguesa.

“A military solution is never the right solution,” Ahmadinejad said, according to a simultaneous Portuguese translation of his comments.

“Problems have to be dealt with through dialogue,” he said.

Iran, Damascus’ chief ally, has blamed the US and Israel for instigating more than five months of protests in Syria.

The U.S. and other nations have accused Iran of helping Assad crush the uprising. – Associated Press

So, Mooses, what do you think? Is I’mADinnerjacket reaching for the Ghandi Award or just being his usual irrational self?

Consider this a Skeptically Open Thread

Pre-debate Horserace Open Thread

The starters have left the gate and they’re off.  Michele “Speaks From God” Bachmann stirred the punters briefly with her Ames Straw Poll victory but was promptly sasquatched by good ol’ Rick Perry’s cannonball entrance.  Huntsman morphed into the sane alternative and subsists on earned media; tells Tea Party, “Bite me” but the tea leaves say “Not this time.”

Newt does well in debates but seems headed to repeat Fred Thompson’s performance art experiment while Rudy won’t commit ’till after the 9/11 observances free him for other duties.  Chris “Get off the damn beach” Christie is yet to be called.  And Sarah, bless her grifter heart, is left to pimp her PAC.

Romney trims his sails and tries to stay upwind of the scrum but puts in an appearance to kiss De Mint’s ring which Perry unexpectedly “misses” due to prior engagements; prayers notwithstanding.

Paul gets his day in the media but fails to inspire.  Cain is unable.  Santorum wanders deeper into postmodern ultraconservative irrelevance.  For all the values sanctity and financial probity demanded and promised by candidates for this “mother of all GOP nominations” the big question remains, “Who’s in the money?”

Debate countdown here.  Or submit a “yes/no” question via Twitter with hashtag #reagandebate (as if.)

Hugo Chavez's Failure to Help the Poor

By: Inoljt,

The Economist, Great Britain’s magazine for the American elite, recently published a special report on Latin America. While the magazine noted the continuing challenges facing Latin America, it also perceived that Latin America has made great strides in the past decade. This has especially been the case with reducing inequality, a perpetual curse of that region in the world – and perhaps the greatest obstacle to economic advancement in Latin America.

In doing this, The Economist published the following table:

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More below.

The Era of the Idiot- Open Thread

My mother, my aunt and my sister had an interesting conversation where they decided Obama should step down as President, or we should vote Republican, so that Republicans will just stop being assholes and let the government function again.

My aunt asked me what I thought of it and I got two words out before she and my mom went on a tirade about how Obama sounds too smart, and people who talk well often can’t get anything done and we need someone who talks like a normal person to be President. Also, too, Hillary.

The final verdict. “If this is what Republicans want, give it to them. We need the government to function again”